Off and away with another exhilarating week in Uganda….its day 8 (12 Feb 18)

Ricky Virdi
SAP Social Sabbatical
3 min readFeb 12, 2018

After breakfast we set off to visit St Simon vocational institute

We met with Father Joseph who advised:

  • Started in 1986
  • 6 courses: tailoring, catering,motor vehicle, welding, building & construction, carpenters & joinery
  • Originally boys school for 40 students
  • Some girls because of culture
  • 3, 6 , 9, 12 month short courses which are modular – DIT curriculum
  • BTC sponsored 30 people, who work and study DIT
  • UBTEC is another curriculum
  • Most students are boarding
  • Much construction in plan fir 5 to long term 20 years
  • Have partners to sell products
  • Have cows , cocoa and agriculture area, funds given to scool
  • 410 in 2017, 500 expected 2018, Target 700 as formalities are built
  • VP: 32 years,brand awareness in community, students if high quality
  • Marketing: 1 skilled person to be recruited
  • Creating reserve fund for expansion and projects. Different account fir each revenue stream like carpenters, salary, admissions etc
  • Start forum yo go to community with one voice
  • Lacking real model
  • People see VTI as failure rather than university

Then, Millennium vocation institute

In simple words this is a hotel and catering niche institution with a demonstration hotel. Students here learn most things about the niche including additional activities like washing machine , service, basic computing etc

A super hit in my opinion because they specialise in one industry

Then we busted one of the outreach centre who specialise in welding. We discovered about 8 students from NVI who worked together to make gates

Lunch was at the Hoima hotel, buffet style.

We then returned back to the hotel for 1:30pm to finalise Worksop content and alignment on research and toolkit

At 5:30 we had a storm with about 45 minutes of tropical rain

The day ended with a beer and some great Ugandan food

It’s back to the room for some final preparation on the workshop… begins tomorrow!!!

To remember: photocopying of 2 sheets x 15 copies can take 3.5 hours (don’t ask!!!), then still was unsuccessful. LUFE US NIT SIMPLE!!!

