Our Mission — Project with Prisma ONG

Marianne ‘Maz’ Macgregor
SAP Social Sabbatical


Monday was our first day of really getting down to work. We braved the chaotic Lima traffic for a 12 km drive to the SAP office on the other side of the city. It took 75 minutes to get there, and luckily we made it on time. First stop a photo shoot at the SAP office.

Lima Verde with Jose del Rio, Country Manager SAP Peru and Esteban Samartin, SAP Social Sabbatical Alumni

The four NGOs — Instituto Educo, CreaMas+, IncaMoss, and Prisma ONG were also there, and finally Malinee, Nuno and I got to meet our Prisma clients — Delia, Diego and Adrian.

Fernanda (Pyxera) and Esteban (SAP Social Sabbatical Alumni) presented information on the program in Spanish to the NGOs, and Jose del Rio welcomed us all to Peru and offered his support, if required.

And then we got to hear from all four NGOs about their projects. This was the real start to our work for the next four months, as we listened to the presentations.

Adrian, Delia, and Diego from Prisma ONG

Malinee, Nuno and I will be working together with the Prisma team on a project to assist people with disabilities in Peru to gain employment — more about this in the next blog.

And then it was time to leave for our first lunch together, and then on to the Prisma office in San Miguel to start the discovery phase.

We headed to Huaca Pullaca and the restaurant there for lunch with an amazing view.

And then on to the Prisma offices, where we spoke with Adrien and Diego asking a multitude of questions to clarify our scope of work. It was so easy to talk with them, like we’ve known them for a long time, and they were eager to tell us everything. You can really feel the passion in the work they do. This is going to be an incredible month.



Marianne ‘Maz’ Macgregor
SAP Social Sabbatical

SAP project lead, music lover, traveller, German-Brit — live, laugh, love life