Pitch Inspection and Pitch report — a Sunday filled with team building exercise, self awareness and collaboration for success

Arindam Bhattacharyya
SAP Social Sabbatical
3 min readApr 4, 2017

Well, like it or not, in a game of cricket pitch plays a big role in a team’s performance. It’s always the norm for teams to look at the pitch before the game, be aware of what strengths and weaknesses in the team will come into play for that type of pitch and then prepare accordingly. Team Mekong or our SAP Social Sabbatical team in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam did exactly that on Sunday, 2nd April 2017. Our Social Sabbatical mentor Koert Breebaart set the context by reiterating on SAP’s commitment to social causes and how it connects to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals 2015–30. After an introduction by Pyxera Global colleagues, it was then time for a discovery session — to find within the team what makes each one of us unique and still what is the common thread that binds us. Each member had already taken the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment and generated the required report. Soon, it appeared that the members were no longer spoken of by their names but rather by their MBTI….ESTJ, ENTJ, INFJ,…etc…For more on MBTI, refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2%80%93Briggs_Type_Indicatorbe

The team got so engrossed in the MBTI…almost every statement spoken seemed to be analyzed on whether someone was being intuitive or sensing, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving! Importantly, we also discussed on how do different MBTIs behave in a group and how to best collaborate with each other. The insights gained from this exercise will be super useful in our full month social sabbatical and hopefully will help us to collaborate effectively. The icing on the cake was when in the context of effective collaboration we found out through an exercise using Lego blocks as to what would happen if engineers and architects were to work as 2 discrete teams. Look at what we ended up with

Robot building with Lego blocks — — what happens when architects and engineers act in silos!

We thoroughly enjoyed the day.

And not to forget the team lunch and dinner … the ubiquitous coconut and the dance in the cab on the way to dinner. :-)

Watch out for my next story in this series. “The Toss” coming up next!

