Rolling up the sleeves — Week 2 in Brazil

Anne Demel
SAP Social Sabbatical
2 min readJul 25, 2017

Another week gone and flown by.

The first week of the Social Sabbatical we mainly focused on listening and understanding the areas of need. So this week it was time to roll up some sleeves and get some things done.

And I must say — working in a structured Scrum way we already achieved a lot.

For the online platform that we are supporting CEDUC in creating, we were able to define user stories and requirements, as well as provide several best practices and ideas on how to use the platform. We aligned all the requirements with CEDUC and the responsible architect and found many good ways to improve the current plan.

Have a look yourself on week number 2:

One quote that I found these days and really believe it fits 100% in the atmosphere of CEDUC is the following:

To me this place is just magical and surrounded by so much love.

Besides working we also got to spent some personal time with our client so on Thursday we were able to join a baby shower of one of the employees of CEDUC, which was a very sweet experience.

This third upcoming week we will focus on further improvements of the platform, as well as some first insights in their marketing strategies and support in that.

