Signing off, nos vemos pronto Quito

Sabari Vasudevan
SAP Social Sabbatical
3 min readOct 30, 2018

Running the last mile in a race is always the most difficult portion. You can see the endpoint but you have zero energy to complete the distance. However, the last few days in Quito was not like a last mile race. My energy was so high and I felt proud that I helped and guided one of the youngest and energetic organizations in Quito to devise methodologies to receive feedback and monitor impact of the educational programs they run.

From left Juanes, Vale, Titi, Tobi, myself, Maria, Estaf and Melanie. This is after our final presentation to Lab XXI board members.

Lab XXI believes in the potential of the people and focuses their innovation processes on children, youth, professionals and teachers with whom they work. They create innovative methodologies to empower agents of change. Melanie, Tobi and I from SAP joined hands with them to help them measure the impact of their YPD programs accurately and use that information to improve the quality of these programs. Eventually, these measurements will help Lab XXI team to create a force which has the potential to positively impact the youth of Ecuador. A striking example that I observed is Lab XXI’s training on 21st century skills for the return of school dropouts to finish their secondary education, thereby paving the way for higher studies and opportunities.

To summarize what we did in 4 weeks, it was not really all that much when we looked back from the day we landed to the day of the final presentation:

· 19 working days,

· 14 days for collecting data, understanding the process through simulation and devising workshops

· 5 days to consolidate all the learning and deliver strategies

· 10 deliverables (started with 3 when we nailed the scope down but ended up in delivering 10 😊)

Key skills that really helped us to deliver and over-achieve are:

· Time management

· Prioritization

· Extraordinary team work

· Power of listening

The final day

Thanks to Lab XXI team and Titi who guided us patiently and honestly through their process. Reward is not just getting monetary benefits or mementoes, rather, it is actually when your client recognizes and appreciates your efforts fully.

In brief, my trip to Quito, Ecuador was the most memorable trip with the following highlights:

· Successfully delivered a project that has a high social impact

· Met 11 SAP employees who taught me 11 different cultures and we became best buddies. I now have vacation homes in 11 countries. Isn’t that the best you can ask for!! 😊

· My special connection with coffee beans and dark chocolates. Came to know from the wonderful Estefania that cacao was initially domesticated in the equatorial regions of South America which precisely falls in Ecuador. By the way, Estef is the one who coordinated everything for our project in Quito. A special applause for her hard work, diligence and patience.

· Met many Ecuadorians who are loving, caring, gentle and extremely hospitable

· Re-wrote my milestones in hiking, my new milestone is now +5000mts 😊

· Made plans with Juanes and Juanse who are my buddies from Lab XXI team to watch live the FIFA world cup in Qatar. 2022 is a long way to go but at least we have the urge to go as a group and take our friendship to the next level.

· I learned some Spanish (especially some Kichwa expressions) key words; the best I like is “achachai” and “arraray” (cold and hot as in temperature, respectively)

Hey Quito, I will definitely visit you with my wife and daughter so that I can show them what I experienced in these four weeks. I am not a big fan of saying BYE because I always make efforts to reconnect where I left off and that’s me! 😊

Nos vemos pronto! (See you soon!)

