Such is Life!

Jane Bronn
SAP Social Sabbatical
3 min readMay 6, 2023

I invite you to journey with me to a place that might not be the obvious pick for a weekend trip. The general direction is Hue, a city in central Vietnam roughly 700kms from Hanoi.

Tucked away in desolate land, hidden from sight. It’s a long trek there, worthwhile nevertheless. The Thuy Tien lake in the outskirts of Hue is our destination, it’s not easy to find, even for our local taxi driver. But we are determined to find it.

Our persistence pays off, between the confusing goggle map directions and our non existent spoken Vietnamese, the taxi driver gets us to the right entry point. Apparently there are several official and unofficial entry points, we think found the right one.

After a bit of walking on a less frequented tarmacked road, we are invited by the bold sculptures on the grass. We cannot make out what they mean or the story they tell, but they look good scattered randomly on the grass and graveled surfaces. It is starting to look like a park, like a habited place, albeit unkept. A few more steps and the lake is within eye view, the still waters usher us further in. We like what we see… its quiet, lushy trees all around and the tranquility is resounding. No reason to not keep walking further along the paved walk way…or is there?

Unanticipatedly, we are halted to a stand still. Like a wicked imposter, boastful and intimidating, stands the dragon themed water park at the far end of the lake. It is still early morning, we sneaked in before the crowds build up. Quietly we approach it, our cameras at hand to capture any eventualities — if we survive…

Located in Huong Thuy town, Hue, Thuy Tien Lake has an area of 49ha wide and is surrounded by pine hills.

It is a photographer’s dream spot. It is the escape in search of solitude. It is the mythical monster for the tormented. It is the soothing sight to sore eyes. It is the picturesque still river with palm tree reflections. What is this place? So beautiful yet disgusting, so peaceful yet so creepy. Magnificent yet desolate!

I find myself conflicted, antagonized! Is it possible to find ebullience in this neglected place. Abandoned, forsaken, disowned with crumbling structures and covered in dirty moss. I ponder… elevated by this rusty ragged creature, in whose jaws I stand?

My mind is racing back and forth as I try to make sense of it all…The good and the bad. Finally in the stillness of the moment I have an epiphany… Such is life! Such is the imperfect world we live in.

It is the co existence of light and darkness. It is the terminally ailing body but still smiling. It is the limited resource but still giving generously. It is years of suppression, slavery and intimidation but still living in love, forgiveness and peace. It is the joy of welcoming a new life but the sorrow of losing a loved one.

Which will overcome?… Which has the final word? In this place, as the fierce, seemingly hungry, dragon stares down at me, I choose to be overwhelmed by it’s beauty and that of the alluring nature around me. I choose light, I choose love, I choose Peace.

At Thuy Tien lake, both creepy and beautiful, I settle joyfully in my mind… for such is Life!

