Anne Rodey
SAP Social Sabbatical
2 min readOct 22, 2018


We are at the end of week 2 and it has been an amazing week in every way. Today myself and 4 fellow SAP colleagues hiked the Rucu Pichincha. Three of us made it to over 4,200 meters, and the other two made it all the way to the top at 4,712 meters. I can truthfully say that I’m tired from the day, but wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Last weekend the entire 12 SAP Sabbatical team members traveled for a long weekend to the edge of the Amazon. We left very early in the morning on Saturday and arrived in Teno around 3 hours later to pick up our two guides, Diego and Wilson. After a wonderful breakfast, we traveled another 40 minutes to the banks of the Napo River, where we boarded large motored canoes that took us to our ecolodge.

The three days were packed with adventures. We did too many things to talk about them all. The highlights were drinking Chicha (a fermented drink), making homemade chocolate, eating various live insects from lemon ants to termites, watching hand-made pottery being made, a visit to a wildlife preserve, day and night-time walks through the Amazon, dart blowing practice, and canyoning.

But the real excitement this week happened with our team at ConQuito. I realized how powerful good teamwork really can be. In the beginning, I wondered how we could make a lasting impact in 4 short weeks. But where there’s a will, there’s a way, especially when you are working with other SAP professionals who are so talented and inspired.

Last week at ConQuito we met a wonderful, hard-working woman named Maria who is the sole-support for her 3 children. She has developed an innovative product, which she sells at fairs. Maria currently tracks her product inventory and sales on paper, doesn’t know how to operate a computer, and did not finish high school.

Team ConQuito is very invested in finding the best way for Ecuadorians to expand their small businesses to better their lives and those of their families. We spent this week developing solutions to bridge the digital gap, increase their business knowledge, and provide system support to expand their reach in the market.

I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity by SAP to work on this program with ConQuito. If every business encouraged and supported their employees to participate in Corporate Social Responsibility programs, imagine what could be achieved together.

Stay tuned for week 3…

