Anne Rodey
SAP Social Sabbatical
3 min readOct 22, 2018


Week 3 is behind us now and we are entering our final week in Quito. Every week has added new realizations of what the SAP Social Sabbatical means to the SAP colleagues that participate in the program. There are the personal self-awareness discoveries, and then the professional journeys. If you really listen to the other 11 members of the sabbatical team as we take this journey together, they may express thoughts about you that take you by surprise.

One of my surprises came yesterday in discussion with a team member from Singapore. She mentioned that I have conquered my fears without hesitation during our weekend outings. I have had a fear of heights ever since I realized in adulthood that I was mortal and would not be on this planet forever. When you are a child, that concept never occurs to you.

This past weekend consisted of a hike up the Cotopaxi volcano to an elevation of 16,400 feet, with a mountain bike ride back down. And it was followed up on Sunday by a great zip line excursion in Mindo. All these experiences were firsts for me. I wasn’t afraid during any of these adventures because I knew that I had support systems that would not let me fail. During the Cotopaxi journey, I had a team that encouraged me to make it to the top and not let me get hurt. And during zip lining, I had complete trust in the security rope and the experts that were operating the equipment.

I realized that I was overcoming my fears, but what I didn’t expect was for my teammates to recognize it right along with me. I have to say that I’m still afraid of heights with no security measures, but isn’t that just your logical brain saying “hey, are you REALLY going to try that?”.

I can take that same support system concept and apply it directly to my ConQuito team members. This includes Lucie from the Czech Republic, Karim from Egypt, Adrian from ConQuito, and Dani from Pyxera Global. Each has their own perspectives and strengths. We have been able to design a great program because we trust and support each other, and have taken advantage of everyone’s abilities.

I have always believed in teamwork from my very first days at SAP. Everyone has different gifts, and using those gifts wisely delivers the best results. Teamwork sometimes involves conflict, but that can also provide positive results. This sabbatical has taken my view of working together to a whole new level and I’m going home with a renewed sense of team. Hmm, I’m wondering if it will be as transparent to my work colleagues when I return as it is to me.

The second surprise is that the discoveries of each member of the team is so different. Some of their journeys are very different from mine. We have a team member that speaks Spanish as a second language. He has assumed the role of temporary tour guide and has made our interactions with Ecuadorians much, much easier. He was genuinely surprised that he has been able to converse so easier and is much more confident of his Spanish speaking abilities now. Each of us is taking away something valuable.

Stay tuned for the wrap-up at the end of this week. It is going to be bitter sweet…

