Wrapping Up My Social Sabbatical Journey (Week 4): Empowering Agbara in São Paulo

Amit Banavalikar
SAP Social Sabbatical
4 min readMay 13, 2024
Wonderwomen of Agbara

As I sit down to reflect on the last week of my Social Sabbatical journey with Fundo Agbara in São Paulo, a whirlwind of emotions flood my mind. It has been an exhilarating and fulfilling experience, one that I will carry with me for a lifetime.

Path Forward: Our Final Recommendations for Fundo Agbara

Presenting our recommendations to Fundo Agbara

During our last week, our focus sharpened on refining recommendations for an integrated platform poised to transform Fundo Agbara’s operations and unlock invaluable insights from reliable data sources. Our approach was methodical, involving thorough assessments of diverse solutions. We engaged with other NGOs pursuing similar objectives and consulted multiple software vendors to gain insights into their offerings, features, and cost structures. In our final presentation, we delivered a comprehensive analysis of recommended solutions for Agbara, meticulously comparing factors such as implementation and operational costs, feature sets, training requirements, change management strategies, customer support options, and implementation timelines. Additionally, we outlined potential roadmap scenarios to guide Agbara in adopting these solutions in a strategic and phased manner.

The excitement on the faces of the Agbara team as we shared our findings was truly inspiring. We firmly believe that our work will lay a solid foundation for Agbara’s future growth, propelling them to become one of the most significant social organizations in Brazil, championing socio-economic justice for Black Brazilian women.

Teamwork makes the Dream work

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the warm embrace of the Agbara team. Starting from their co-founder Aline, Simone, Fabi, Livia, Juli, Alana, Camila, and others welcomed us with open arms, making us feel like valued members of their team from day one. A month later, when I reflect on this team, I envision a group of Wonder Women poised to empower their fellow Black women, uplift communities, and foster impactful change. Their dedication to supporting and elevating others resonates deeply, inspiring the transformation of individuals into catalysts for positive growth within their communities.

Final Deliverables Presentation — 12 member SAP Team with all the 4 host organizations

This engagement was made all the more rewarding by the incredible team I had the privilege of working with. Ina Hertweck, Monika Prudlo, and Laura Cardoso, my fellow collaborators, deserve special mention. From the moment we met, it felt as though we had known each other for years. Our ability to seamlessly complement each other’s strengths transformed us into a cohesive unit, enabling us to tackle challenges with confidence and efficiency.

I am also immensely grateful for the camaraderie shared with my fellow SAP colleagues during this journey — Louis Anslem, Geetha Kumar, Jimmy Zhang, Simon Poll, Heather Walker, Saminder Kaur, Hitesh Chitlangia, Rebecca Muelberger and Yazan Qasa. Together, we comprised a diverse group from various organizations within SAP, including Corporate Strategy, Product Management, Marketing, and Cloud Services. Over the past month, we evolved into a tight-knit team, supporting each other, exchanging ideas, and exploring the wonders of Brazil together.

Finally, I want to express immense gratitude to my life partner, Priyanka Gupta. Her steadfast support and encouragement have been indispensable, motivating me to embark on this four-week Social Sabbatical journey. She continually inspires me to strive for excellence, and I am deeply grateful for her unwavering presence and partnership throughout this experience.

Heart full of Gratitude

Memories from São Paulo and Rio

However, amidst the joy of accomplishment, there lingered a tinge of sadness as we bid farewell to São Paulo. The past four weeks have been a whirlwind of experiences, deepening our bonds with the Agbara team and forging unforgettable memories in this vibrant city. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the warmth and kindness extended to us by the people of São Paulo.

This Social Sabbatical has been a life-changing experience, made possible by SAP’s visionary initiative. Thank you, SAP, for this incredible opportunity to make a meaningful impact, and to Fundo Agbara for welcoming us into their community with open arms.

As I prepare to return to my daily work, I carry with me not only the knowledge gained but also profound insights and learnings from my time with Agbara and Brazil. I look forward to sharing these reflections and continuing to contribute to positive change in my professional and personal endeavors. The journey may be ending, but the impact will endure for years to come.

