The Winning Move

Highlights and inspiring words from the inaugural The Winning Move with Michael Phelps and Bill McDermott

Caroline Lynggaard Koenigsfeldt
4 min readAug 7, 2017


Michael Phelps & Bill McDermott at The Winning Move on July 24, 2017 at Arizona State University

On July 24, swimming champion Michael Phelps and SAP CEO Bill McDermott shared their keys to success, leadership, self love, goals and dreaming, at SAP’s event the Winning Move hosted at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ (to read more about what led to the event, check out Jeff Cunningham’s blog, here.) Below are some highlights from their intimate conversation.

On success…

“I wanted to do something no one else had done. I was willing to make that sacrifice. I think sacrifice is such a scary word for people because it’s uncomfortable. But to do great things, you have to be uncomfortable.”
– Michael Phelps

“I think people who want to be somebody have that burning desire in them. And it’s not only about wanting to be somebody; it’s about wanting to do something and leave your mark on the world, and be the best.”
– Bill McDermott

On leadership…

“Trying to help them make the right decisions inspires me, because these guys will take over our legacy and continue to try to be the best country in the world.”
– Michael Phelps

“The best leaders are the best listeners. You take input, you are humble enough to be wrong. I have people around me who are 10 times more talented in things I don’t do so well. That’s how you build great teams.”
– Bill McDermott

Michael Phelps & Bill McDermott

On self love…

“I had no self-confidence, so self-love… just hated myself. I decided to take the step to figuring out what was going on with me. I learned to say an affirmation every time you walk through a doorway. After a while you start believing it. And it’s true. I put my hand out for help, I got help, I found out who I am.”
– Michael Phelps

“No one will ever remember how you fell, but they’ll never forget how you got up.”
– Bill McDermott

On goals…

“I was taught at a very young age to write my goals down. And I put them in a place where I see them every day, so I’m fully engaged in what I’m doing, and I’m thinking about the little tiny things that are going to end up making a huge difference at the end of the road.”
– Michael Phelps

“What you’re seeing here are two leaders with goals, who commit to those goals fully with mind, body, and spirit. Write down your goals, commit to them fully, and own them.”
– Bill McDermott

On dreaming…

“The only thing we’re not going to be able to do as humans is fly. And I believe that anything else we put our mind to we can achieve.”
– Michael Phelps

“ A true measure of a leader is not what they take from this world, it’s what they give it. I think if you derive your source of joy and your passion from helping other people achieve their goals and their dreams, then you’re on the journey toward the dream.”
– Bill McDermott

“We are all leaders” and “no challenge is too big” were the two main takeaways of this personal and inspiring chat between Phelps and McDermott. The two leaders emphasized that with the right commitment, and the willingness to learn and make sacrifices, we all have the power to positively impact the lives of others and accomplish things no one has ever done before.

If these quotes weren’t enough, then make sure you check out the full replay of the event below!



Caroline Lynggaard Koenigsfeldt

Journalist & SAP Digital Transformation & Experience Management Specialist.