Digitalisation: Applied Magic & Mystery Traditions

tzenlong goh
Sapien Manifesto
Published in
4 min readJan 27, 2024


Explore the fascinating intersection where cutting-edge technology meets the ancient art of magic. In this enthralling feature, we delve into how digital advancements are reshaping esoteric practices, creating a new realm of possibilities for practitioners and enthusiasts alike.

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In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, a new and intriguing phenomenon has emerged: the fusion of digital innovation with the mystical practices of magic. This blend, known as “Digital Magic,” represents a groundbreaking shift in how we perceive and engage with esoteric traditions. It challenges the boundaries between the tangible and the metaphysical, opening up a world where ancient rituals meet modern technology.

The concept of Digital Magic is not merely about incorporating gadgets into traditional practices. Rather, it’s an exploration of how technology can enhance, augment, and even transform magical experiences. From virtual reality (VR) rituals to AI-generated sigils, the digital realm offers tools and platforms that expand the scope of what’s possible in magical practice.

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tzenlong goh
Sapien Manifesto

Editor, writer, novelist. Visual arts, film reviews, self improvement…