5 Ways to Protect Your Small Business and Keep Data Secure

SAPI Group
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2022

Keeping confidential information safe is one of the most important things a business can do. It’s also something that isn’t always easy to achieve. Keeping data secure is a big challenge for small businesses, which are often the targets of cyberattacks. Even if you have excellent antivirus software, hackers will find ways to get into your system. Small businesses need to be especially careful about keeping their data secure and protecting themselves against cybercriminals. There are many different ways that hackers gain access to confidential information. Some methods may seem obvious, but others might come as a surprise. In this article, we explain the five most common methods used by hackers and give you some tips on how to keep your small business and your data secure.

Changing the Default Passwords

Hackers know the default passwords for various systems and use them to access confidential information. If a company doesn’t change the default passwords, hackers can easily log into the system and steal information. They can also use online communication services that use these insecure login details. There are thousands of words and phrases that hackers use as default passwords. There are many online dictionaries that list default passwords, as well as company names and any other information that hackers might find useful. If a business doesn’t change the default passwords, it’s almost certain that hackers will use them to access their confidential data. Luckily, it’s quite easy to change the default passwords for most systems. When you buy a new computer or device, make sure you change the password to something that only you know. You should also change all of the default passwords. It’s also a good idea to change the default passwords for any business application.

Hire a Professional to Audit Your Network

Small businesses have limited resources, so it can be difficult to stay on top of all the latest developments in technology. Unfortunately, this means that you may be unaware of new vulnerabilities that could put your data at risk. You may also not be aware that you don’t have the most secure network in place. If you can’t find the time to audit your network, you should consider hiring a professional to do it for you. A network audit can help you to identify potential vulnerabilities in your system and find ways to improve your data security. A network audit can be done remotely, so you don’t need to hire a team of people to come to your office.

Use Strong Encryption

There are many different ways that hackers can access a network. If your network has a weak password, it’s easy for a hacker to break into your system. A lot of the time, hackers will use brute force to try different passwords until they find the one that works. When someone uses strong encryption, it’s impossible for hackers to break in. There are many different forms of encryption, such as symmetric and asymmetric. You should select a form of encryption that is strong enough to protect your data. You should also make sure only the people who need it have access to the encryption keys.

Don’t Reuse Passwords

You should never reuse the same password for more than one account. If a hacker gets access to one of your accounts, they could use your password to access many other systems, too. If you use a different password for each of your accounts, it’ll be very difficult for hackers to break into your system. Many people reuse passwords because they find it hard to remember a different password for each account. If you find it difficult to remember several different passwords, there are a few things you can do. You could write your passwords down on a piece of paper and keep the paper in a safe place where you can access it easily. However, it is more practical to use a password manager to store your passwords securely.

Install an Effective Firewall

Firewalls are used to prevent unwanted traffic from entering your network. The firewall blocks hackers from accessing your system and stealing your data. Firewalls should be used as the standard for all networks, as it’s very easy for hackers to gain access to a system. There are three different kinds of firewalls that you can use to protect your system. You can install a software firewall, a hardware firewall, or a hybrid firewall. A software firewall runs on your computer and is often free. A hardware firewall sits between your network and the internet. A hybrid firewall can be a combination of both software and hardware. There are many different types of firewalls, but all of them are designed to block unwanted traffic from accessing your network. You should also have an antivirus program installed to protect against malware.


Keeping your business data secure is important, but it’s also something that most people don’t think too much about. Unfortunately, this can lead to small businesses becoming the targets of cybercriminals. To protect your small business and keep your data secure, you need to be careful about the security measures you implement. You also need to make sure that your employees know how to keep their devices secure. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to protect your data and keep your business safe from cybercriminals.

Originally published at https://sapi.com on June 28, 2022.



SAPI Group

We are SAPI, a London-based fintech that builds loan-program-as-a-service.