Crowning, the opposite of Grounding, like is Yang to the Yin

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3 min readJan 24, 2018

The higher awareness, and faster thinking that the crowning offers, that’s something crucial to being a part of the current-day society. Slowing down is good and all, but at times one has to turn 1 minute into 2, and later 1 hour into 4.

Sure, speeding yourself up will use up more energy and tire you much faster, but it gives you the option to overcome your own limitation and direct more of your potential towards the tasks at hand.

Now that I googled, it seems like there’s no good guide that explains what I mean by crowning… so here’s what I’m gonna do: I’m gonna list a few steps that can be used to achieve the state (as in type of meditation) I call crowning:

1. Listen to videos on youtube and facebook, with or without subtitles, at higher and higher speeds. You can use addons/extensions to increment video speeds by lower amounts, so you can get used to a speed faster. I use but it’s irrelevant what you use.

2. Start at x1, and increment it until you can comfortably hear the contents of the video. There’s no need to hurry, but if you want to get to a higher speed faster, instead of listening to different videos, listen to the same video, so you can get used to how the words are spelled at that speed.

3. Take breaks from the speed. I would suggest at least 5 minutes of break for every 25 minutes of speed. The break can be reading an article, or listening to the normal speed, or anything else (like a toilet break). Note that after you reach x2, it will become much harder to get back to x1 immediately.

4. If you can consistently watch at x2.5-x3 for a month, you will notice that you can “talk to yourself” in your mind faster, when you want/need to. Now, if you meditate, but instead of just emptying your mind, you split the time in half, with the first half emptying your mind and second half letting your mind roam free, more open to ideas regardless of how absurd they might seem and continuing the process of reasoning with yourself or exploring ideas, THAT’s what I call `crowning`.

What I meant is that, usually, the world around us moves faster than we do when we are grounded. The crowning just helps you get faster for limited periods of time, to be able to go through the so-called “chaotic times”. It’s not necessarily an either-or, but a both, if possible.

By that I mean, just slowing down to the speed of the nature will inevitably slow us down, or keep us from speeding up as much as we could. Crowning helps prevent that. It’s like training both the Yin and the Yang. Choose one and you will have imbalance. Choose both, and the road will be harder when it’s easy, and easier when it’s hard, and overall the strain on your body will be lower than if choosing either one alone, or neither one.

Another example of “crowning” is playing shooter games, because they make you more aware in the moment, but the somewhat chaotic nature of the action-packed moments and leisure moments keeps it from increasing the max speed at the max speed. It teaches how to quickly switch from slow to fast thinking/awareness, and mixing both has some uses, while also training them in insulation/isolation has other uses, and some of those uses overlap, but not all.



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Continuous Learner, Polymath, Programmer, Web Designer, Web Developer, Software Developer, Gamer. On the journey of becoming Entrepreneur and Hustler.