10 Benefits of Being Present in Nature and Coming Back to Our Ancestral Roots

These underrated benefits are crucial to developing better coping mechanisms and overall wellbeing

Aemen Farooq
Published in
6 min readJan 2, 2022


Photo by Flynn Zhou on Unsplash

Nature provides us with both a harsh reality and a loving home. It is the pinnacle representation of yin and yang. Humans have cultivated an age-old relationship with nature; we eat from it, we seek to relax in it, and we ultimately die and return to it. We are a part of nature, and it is a part of us; no matter how far we try to separate ourselves from the natural world, we find ourselves right back amid its grasp.

Our ancestors ventured worldwide seeking its wisdom to understand why an elephant does not step on its child, why a father lion kicks his son out of the pride, or why a river can both quench our thirst and drown us to death in it. This intrinsic wisdom was passed down for generations by societies all over the world in the most basic of ways, a grandmother cares for her grandchildren in the timidest of ways, a coach trains their students to outdo his/her own abilities and push new limits, the mountain peaks are a place only the most self-understanding dare to climb, and from rivers, we can harness monumental amounts of energy.



Aemen Farooq

I write about mental health, self-development, self-care, and life lessons as they happen. Editor of sapphirel.com/ https://aemenfarooq.medium.com/membership