Five Important Ways Small Business Owners Can Deal With Critics

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3 min readDec 22, 2018

Criticism is an important part of running a small business. Feedback can give you important information that will help you develop what you are offering. Unfortunately not all feedback is helpful. Critics are often more focused on tearing you down rather than building you up.

You can ignore them for some time but you can only how you are making a mistake so often before it starts gnawing your subconscious. Sometimes you don’t have a brand. Which can be wondering how to deal with your products without making things worse, privately and publicly. There are few things you can do to achieve that.

Focus on the truth

One of the best thing that it can do is start firing back. When someone criticize you are sense negative comments your way they are trying to expose your failures because they don’t I can’t believe what you are doing well. They want to take you down a peg.

The truck he was thinking that having your failures exposed will affect your brand negatively. Unless you are trying to make yourself look perfect which is a poor decision to begin with on the truth — this is far from the truth. People will never believe you are perfect which is great. Because you don’t have to be. Wearing transparent honest and being public for your failures cannot only protect you from some critics it can make you appear more human and relatable.

Embrace trial and error

The fear of shame and humiliation can keep you from doing great things. Instead of trying new things you end up doing down the traditional path because they are safer. Nothing wrong with doing things safely it can limit your small business potential and overall success. Don’t be afraid of what the critics will say. Failure is a natural part of the process and can lead you with greater success is in future.

Be willing to discuss

Not to talk with people when they are trying to Tear down, but starting a fight won’t get anywhere. In fact it will play into what they want. Instead of trying to show them talk to them. Start a Frank and open discussion regarding their criticisms. This is not only important for your brand but it can lead to an actual helpful decision feedback.

There are exceptions. Most personal attacks are best ignored, for example, unless they represent a larger issue that you can turn into a teachable moment. This is difficult but the potential for turnaround is worth it. Just remember to cute if it doesn’t seem they are actually conversing with you. You are just using it as an opportunity to get more shots in.

Apologize when appropriate

Sometimes your emotions will get the better of you. Doing or saying something hurtful, making things worse. It doesn’t make you a bad person but everyone has bad days and limits. What’s important is do afterwards. Apologizing can limit any damage you may have caused. While this may not solve the issue of the critic it can at least keep things civil.

Accept their existence

Doubters and critics are part of life. The sooner you accept them the sooner you can start emotionally preparing for them. However it is not all bad. In fact you can take them as a sign for your doing well. Critics don’t stomp on people doing poorly. They always punch up, and if they are taking shots at you often means you are doing something right. Critics can be difficult to deal with but they are far from impossible. We are not even the biggest threat to your small business. However they must pistol approach with caution and care.



