
Yohanes Sitanggang
Sapu Lidi
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2017

It’s hard to imagine a love greater than the love of your parents.

Imagine a person you would wake up at 5am to break it to them that they have to wake up too. Every morning, dealing with anger because you woke them up (even though they are suppose to wake up). Making them breakfast, making sure that they eat breakfast and pack them lunch (even though they aren’t going to eat it).

It’s hard to imagine a love greater than the love of your parents.

Imagine a person you would wake up at 5 am to go to a place where you have to suck up to a person you don’t like. A person you would put aside all your personal wants and desire for and save money for his or her future (even though it seemed like there was none at the time).

It’s hard to imagine a love greater than the love of your parents.

Imagine a person who breaks your heart constantly, for 23 years. When every semester report goes out, looking at their performance that you know this person can do better. Every day dealing with an unreasonable behavior that’s just mad about everything (even your care and attention).

If my parents read this, you know what they would say?

Of course there is.

A person who gives you constant reminder to wake up at 5am to get screamed at by a small person who doesn’t know any better. The constant patience to make a person breakfast and lunch, (even though they weren’t going to eat it).

A person who would grant you the energy to not be late for work, so that you can do what you’re suppose to do and even more . The wisdom to withhold your personal wants and desires to save for his or her future and the knowledge that there is a better future if you do.

A person who grants you care and attention when you are forgotten and left alone by others, even by your loved ones.

Out of the 23 years I have lived, it took me 5 years to understand and appreciate the love my parents had for me. It took me 5 years to understand how hard it was and how much energy it cost them. It took me 5 years to understand how they struggled and have the power to never give up loving me. My friends, they believed in Christ.

Dear friends, out of the 5 years that I have been away from my parents, I reserved a dark part of my life from my parents. I didn’t want them to be broken hearted, I couldn’t take it and I don’t think they could.

But Christ knew.

Imagine a person who knew all these mistakes and ungratefulness, not only would he could take it, but he would forgive.

That kind of love, that will take a lifetime to figure out.

Today marks an end to my college years. 5.5 years to be exact (1.5 years late to those of you who are counting). Too many tireless nights, too many soul wrestling moments , too many relationships gone south, and thousands of dollars have been spent.

Now, I’m a very lucky person. I got to experience all of this and really without any “cost”. My father showed me truly what my Father in heaven would have done and my mother showed me what my Mother in heaven would have done. But not all are so lucky.

Now, it’s no surprise that the winey bastard (who wouldn’t wake up at 5 am, wouldn’t eat his breakfast and lunch his mom prepared, who is until now, a bad student) is me. Well, I admit, I didn’t know any better. But dear friends, as I close a chapter of my life today, I open a new one. A blank slate. It’s about time to become a person now. So, I dedicate this next chapter of my life, to the people who are not so lucky. To people who haven’t experienced what it’s like to be forgiven and live a blissful and content life. To be loved. A love so great, that even with a whole lotta darkness, it can still shine as bright as the sun. A love that has empowered this 5 year old kid, to become a person.

To all my friends who has stuck with me throughout the first chapter,

To my brother and parents,

To Mother Mary,

To Jesus,

Thank you for sticking behind my back and teaching me a thing or two about love.



