Image Cluster

I’ve found some images on the Internet as my inspiration for the thesis topic: Museums.

Seungyoun Sara Lim
sysara thesis
2 min readSep 19, 2016


What is the space?
How is it Interacting with the visitors?
How much of the brain do you want to occupy at the time? Immersions
How should people use it?

So far, I am only certain about the theme I want to focus on for the next 8 or so months; ART MUSEUMS. From now on, I need to figure it out what I want to do about it. Is it about the audience? the museum? the space? the purpose? etc.


  • General public
  • Prestigious group
  • Students/Educators
  • Children
  • Tourists
  • Artists/Supporters


  • Educational
  • Fun hangout place
  • Getaway space
  • Events
  • Sharing


  • Traditional museums
  • Multipurpose
  • Popups/Temporary space

