Research Plan v.1

Enhancing Art Museum Experience

Seungyoun Sara Lim
sysara thesis
2 min readOct 3, 2016



With the evolutionary development in technology such as the internet, high quality cameras, personal smart devices and open source data, brick and mortal art museums different positioning in their value compare to the data provided on the digital platforms. Information and resources that the physical spaces that provides will be different from that of today so that the methods and interactions have to be thought through again to meet the needs and values of future generation.

Research Questions

  • What will art museums look, sound, feel like?
  • What is the value of brick and mortal museums compare to digital museums?
  • What will be the role of art museums?
  • How would people get information on works?
  • How would new art works be presented?
  • How would audiences come to art museums?

Proposed Methodology

Understanding Problem Space

Desk Research:

  • Look at current and predicted trends in public spaces, technology
  • Look at case studies of successful and failed projects in institutions.

Ethnographic Research

  • Look at the behaviors of audiences in the problem space and look for patterns and any distinctive behaviors.

Qualitative Research: Interviews

  • Talk to the people who are involved in designing exhibitions at museum and know what they are doing now with technology. Understand their pain points and their expectation for the future. Ask for any trend they are noticing.
  • Talk people who are involved in different branches in museums to know opportunity spaces.

Quantitative Research: Survey

  • General research about why and why not people go to art museums.
  • Understand general expectation of audiences and the competitors.

Testing Hypothesis

  1. Contextual Inquiry
  2. In-Depth Interviews

Timeline and Milestones

Oct 6(Thu): Interview Questions Ready

Oct 11(Tue): Research Presentation, Finish Trend Analysis, Schedule interviews (n=4)

Oct 13 (Thu): Survey Questions Ready

Oct 18 (Tue): Finish Interviews (n=4)

Oct 20 (Thu): Survey (n=10)

Oct 25 (Tue): Idea #2 Proposal

Nov 15: Idea #2 Presentation

Dec 6: Fuctional Demo

Dec 13: Final Presentation

Visit 1 (art)museum talk to 1 stranger/week

