Sarah Who?

When I was five, I wanted to be a toll booth worker.

I wanted to hear the stories of travelers.

When I was ten, I wanted to be an author and write my own stories.

Now, I get to do both. No, I never did become a toll booth worker. Nor did I become an author (at least, not yet!). But, as a content marketer and copywriter I get to hear stories from thought leaders and learn from subject matter experts. I get to turn their knowledge into stories.

Photo by on Unsplash

Thought leaders and subject matter experts tell me what they know, and I find the words that make their knowledge easy to understand for everyone else.

I make complicated subjects simple. And you know what? I think that’s pretty cool.

Content Marketing Strategy: I become a super sleuth on your behalf.

Step 1: We chat and I learn about your brand, keywords you want to rank in organic search, and your sales goals.

Step 2: I research your ideal customer and learn their likes, dislikes, pain points, and everything in between.

Step 3: I marry your company needs and customer profiles to develop a content strategy. Together, we’ll figure out what your customers and prospects want to learn, how they want to learn it (do they want a blog post or an e-course?), and how they want to receive it.

Step 4: Now comes the copywriting!

Copywriting: I write about real estate, property services, construction, contractors, marketing, and finance.

I research, write, edit, and design ➳

➳ Web Copy
➳ Articles
➳ Blog Posts
➳ Case Studies
➳ Emails
➳ Landing Pages
➳ Social Media
➳ Slide Decks
➳ E-Courses

See My Work

F.E. Moran — HVAC Blog

F.E. Moran — Fire Protection Blog

F.E. Moran — Industrial Fire Protection Blog


Construction Junkie


Sarah Smirks: The Marketing Mama Blog

Let’s chat.

If you want more info, you can email me at or connect with me on LinkedIn and send me a message.



Sarah Noel Block
Sarah Noel Block | Content Marketing Strategist + Copywriter

Educating professionals in the property industry through innovative + actionable content. → see my work at,,