Daily Spirituality

Prayers in the Holy Water temple of Tirtha Empul

I have chosen to do my final project on spirituality and faith-expression in Bali. I have observed, participated in, researched, and had conversations about everyday spirituality. Two important aspects that quickly demonstrated themselves were ritual cleansing with holy water and the use of offerings on a daily basis. These are the two aspects I focus on in my project.

The participatory aspect of Balinese spirituality that we have been privileged to engage in has been the most meaningful part of the course for me. We were ritually cleansed in the melukat ceremony and were able to pray and give offerings in various temples all in the same day. This opportunity inspired me to reflect upon my own spirituality and gave us the chance to experience Balinese faith for ourselves and not just as tourists on the sidelines.

My project consists of several photographs showcasing both the power and use of holy water (called toya in Balinese) and offerings (banten) that are seen all over on the island. Along with these pictures are my own personal reflections and research concerning these aspects. The photograph above was one I took at the Holy Water temple of Tirtha Empul and it demonstrates the deep connection with spirituality that so many Balinese people have.

