My Obstructions

Dear Changing Katie,

You thought going into this that you would be able to forget, that Bali was unable to change you and that you could get away from it all. Have you forgotten? Did you get away? Is this away? On your return you wished to see a new person, free from pain, free from hardship. Humanity comes with pain, comes with hardship, but humanity works through pain and works through hardship. It’s impossible to go back without the change that Bali has brought you. It will be impossible to settle back into the constant pain, that mild depression.

Have you found your beauty? Do you know what was wrong? Can you comprehend the ending? This is how the perfect human works through things, how the perfect human analyzes and worries. Although the obstructions you faced when stepping on that plane have not been completed, the beginning of your change has brought a unique happiness, a joyful peace. Bali has inspired you to take charge of what has happened to you and no longer live in fear and the constant obstructions. Bali has shown you how to ask for help, that you don’t constantly have to be afraid of what people might think or what people might say.

What people have seen in you during this trip is the person you once were, the person you are struggling to return to. If you are able to show them, can’t you show yourself? This means that you are finding comfort, you are closing in on knowing what needs to be done and how to better yourself. Do not forget that the perfect human will always struggle… this is part of something we all go through; it is just your hardest stepping stone yet.

Never forget what Bali has given you.

The Katie you’re able to leave behind

