Top 10 websites for coding challenge and competition for all in 2020

Web Engineering
Published in
4 min readMay 30, 2020

These challenges are very similar to recruitment tests and help you prepare well.

{ HackerEarth }

  • Practice (basic programming questions).
  • Contests (from beginners to week-long marathons).
  • Hackathons (solving real-world problems and business challenges).
  • Data Science competitions (testing your data science skills).

{ HackerRank }

It is well-known for matching developers with great companies.

{ Exercism }

There are human mentors who will check your code and help you improve as you progress.

How Exercism works?

> Choose a language to master

> Complete a coding challenge on your computer

> Upload your solution and review it with a mentor

> Unlock different concepts and exercises

> Complete the language track and achieve fluency

{ SPOJ }

It has tons of mind-boggling coding challenges that will really test your skills.

Become a true programming master

Learn how to code and build efficient algorithms

26063695 submissions, 775493 registered users, 6797 public problems

{ Programmr }

There are human mentors who will check your code and help you improve as you progress.

Unleash Your Programming Skills!

Our online coding technology helps you become a rockstar programmer.

{ TopCoder Challenges }

The challenges have specific deadlines as well as prizes shown clearly on each one of them.


From code to design to testing and everything in between. We’ve got you covered.


If you hustle hard and are talented AF, we are your people.


We have helped with cutting edge cancer screening and treatment. We have sent code to the International Space Station to help with the nutrition of our astronauts. Can’t do that just anywhere.


We believe, as part of our community, you can achieve your goals and expand your vision.

{ CodeWars }

It has a captivating interface with unique ways of presenting the challenges, naming them as Katas, where coders gain skills and challenge other coders in Kumite.

> Sharpen your skills

> Train on kata

> Earn ranks and honor

> Gain collaborative wisdom

> Create your own kata

{ CodeChef }

It has is one of the biggest competitive programming platforms. They open their platform for anyone to host programming contests and a feature called campus chapter as a tool for programming clubs to utilize.

> CodeChef — A Platform for Aspiring Programmers

> Practice Section — A Place to hone your ‘Computer ProgrammingSkills’

> Compete — Monthly Programming Contests, Cook-off and Lunchtime

{ CodeGym }

It has practical tasks for beginners in Java to learn about all they need to know. They also have instant solution verification so that mistakes can be found immediately. CodeGym also utilizes the latest teaching techniques, with stunning visualizations and games.

> The Java Course is 80% Practice

> 1200 Practical Tasks

> Instant Solution Verification

> Top-Notch Teaching Methods

> 500+ Hours of Java Programming Experience

> Train Your Coding Skills on CodeGym Whenever You Want!

{ LeetCode }

LeetCode has an explore tool that helps programmers progress towards the next step in their programming career. LeetCode prepares them for technical interviews, and are involved in helping companies hire top talents as well.

If anything is not clear or you want to point out something, please reach me

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Web Engineering

Ambivert. Webdev. Communicator. Internet guru. Coffee enthusiast. cynophile.