Why does GOOGLE hate your website?

Today, we’re going to demonstrate to you an SEO sin that will kill your Google ranking.

Web Engineering
3 min readJun 5, 2020


Google is the Algorithm you need to win over for your website to expand.

But why does it hate you so much?

Websites are made up of things called TAGS. And every TAG has its own function.

< H1 > </H1> TAG is unique to headings.

< P> </P> TAG is unique to paragraphs.

< IMG> TAG is unique to images.

GOOGLE literally examines these TAGS and deduces the text or details displayed on the website.

Example TEXT in < H1></H1 > TAG is seen in the Google result as an iconic bold blue link.

When the amature front-end web developers (you mean those who write Javascript, CSS, and Javas-cript?) wrap any Javascript feature they can possibly have in enough < div > elements to make your eyes bleed. I may sound a little pessimistic about it, but frankly, some days it does seem that way.

Now, Google’s going to get lost and never figure out what the content is about

It’s the unnecessary use of div tags. Div tags are incredibly flexible features on a website that help to represent a particular item.

Yet a poor organization or an amature coder may only use div tags to complete the website. Disregard of every other usable name.

Don’t get me wrong DIV TAG is very useful & versatile TAG but don’t use it everywhere.

If anything is not clear or you want to point out something, please reach me

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Web Engineering

Ambivert. Webdev. Communicator. Internet guru. Coffee enthusiast. cynophile.