Discover Manila on FishOS

Sardina Systems blog
Sardina Systems official page
2 min readJun 18, 2021

From the definition, Manila is an OpenStack service for a shared file system. The service functionality includes self-service provisioning and access to file-shares control, making it possible to manage instances in OpenStack clouds, including multi-tenant environments. OpenStack Manila supports a variety of backends (NFS, CIFS, CephFS, GlusterFS, HDFS, and others).

The success of diverse OpenStack applications mostly depends on their flexibility, scalability, simplicity, and performance directly related to the optimal file-based solution.

We have accomplished the Manila implementation in our product to provide FishOS customers with helpful file sharing and distribution tools.

Originally Manila was an addition to a separate File Share Service delivered with the Cinder project. Thus, it gave the opportunity of common code usage. Later, in 2013, the project was established as an independent development.

Due to its design and implementation, Manila offers extensibility for multiple backends to support specific features and capabilities of the file system. On another side, Manila can accommodate a wide range of shared or distributed types of file systems.

OpenStack Manila service functionality helps FishOS users:

– to create and delete file system shares

– to list, show and manage access

– to establish file share access rules

– to coordinate the mounting/unmounting of file systems shares

– to manage snapshots of file system shares

Get in touch with us if you want to see Manila in action in a FishOS demo session. FishOS help organizations to built on optimized, hyper-efficient, scalable OpenStack and Kubernetes private clouds.

Thank you!



Sardina Systems blog
Sardina Systems official page

A cloud software vendor building on OpenStack & Kubernetes with Zero-Downtime Operations, scalable, no lock-in, and efficient to any enterprise.