Sardina Systems FishOS Has Now Been Certified to Run on MiTAC’s OCP Inspired™ Tioga Pass Servers

Sardina Systems blog
Sardina Systems official page
3 min readNov 23, 2020

The impact of software and specifically, open-source software remains a key driver in the decision-making process within Enterprises.

As we look at the Open Compute Project (OCP) market, those companies who are adopting OCP hardware are more likely to be early adopters in the use of software containers, developing cloud-native applications, and exhibit a culture of DevOps.

We are excited to announce Sardina Systems’ FishOS has now been certified to run on MiTAC’s OCP Inspired™ Tioga Pass servers. The team at MiTAC worked closely with our team to test and validate their OCP Inspired™ servers on Sardina FishOS.

Combining MiTAC’s OCP Inspired™ servers and Sardina FishOS software enables enterprises to create OpenStack and Kubernetes clouds which can be deployed, operated, and upgraded easily, reliably, and efficiently, while achieving greater scalability. Ultimately, this translates to enterprise agility and cost savings.

Dr. Kenneth Tan, Director, Sardina Systems states “We have seen the enterprise market’s long struggle with non-value-adding, long consulting engagements — the standard approach of other OpenStack and Kubernetes vendors — and having to continuously pay for reinventing the wheel in integrating key operations tools on their journey to have production-ready clouds. We have teamed up with MiTAC to design this “batteries-included” solution that works out of the box, without requiring extensive consulting hours, but enables a more efficient, flexible, and scalable cloud platform on OCP Inspired™ hardware. Our mission is to bring enterprise-ready open source cloud to customers, and the OCP marketplace 100% supports us on this mission towards lowering barriers for enterprises to flexibly and efficiently operate Kubernetes and OpenStack clouds.”

Sardina FishOS comes pre-integrated with a broad set of operations tools, including monitoring, log management, capacity planning, health management, workload management, usage accounting & billing, service management, as well as a market-unique Zero-Downtime upgrade solution.

Combining these unique FishOS capabilities, that remove the burden on enterprise customers to integrate operations tools, and provide an enterprise production-ready solution from the outset, with MiTAC’s Tioga Pass servers, enterprise customers can deploy and rapidly take into production cloud platforms that have been proven and are trusted by major customers in telco, finance & investment banking, healthcare, and bioinformatics, service provider/hosting, research, academia, and governments.

“The collaboration between MiTAC and Sardina Systems is a great example of open software strengthening the value proposition of open hardware. Sardina FishOS provides a strong platform for Kubernetes orchestration combined with the efficiency and scalability of OCP Inspired™ hardware. It’s exciting to see the partnership and I’m expecting more Solution Providers to build fully integrated solutions based on Sardina FishOS and MiTAC’s Tioga Pass” states Steve Helvie, VP of Channel for the Open Compute Project Foundation.

You can see Sardina Systems FishOS certified MiTAC’s OCP Inspired™ servers on the OCP Marketplace here.



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A cloud software vendor building on OpenStack & Kubernetes with Zero-Downtime Operations, scalable, no lock-in, and efficient to any enterprise.