Webinar: How to Build a Large Scale Enterprise IaaS with OpenStack and Software-Defined Storage

Sardina Systems blog
Sardina Systems official page
2 min readApr 26, 2021

You’re invited to Sardina Systems and Ambedded Technology upcoming webinar: Building a Large Scale Enterprise IaaS with OpenStack and Software-Defined Storage

OpenStack is rapidly becoming part of key systems within organizations. Choosing OpenStack when building a Large Scale Enterprise IaaS is vital in order to address some of the biggest infrastructure challenges: smart resource management, automated service delivery, system efficiency, and improved performance.

Sardina Systems and Ambedded Technology are showcasing how to deploy together with the benefits of building a large-scale IaaS with OpenStack and Software-Defined Storage.

Find out more about the typical challenges when building an IaaS cloud platform and why you may want to choose OpenStack as your cloud orchestration platform. Most importantly, we will explain how to unlock the benefits of implementing Software-Defined Storage to achieve operational efficiency, performance, scalability, and infrastructure cost savings.

Key takeaways:

  • What is the workload
  • What capacity to start with and how to scale
  • Types of hardware and storage to use
  • What cloud orchestration system to use
  • How to manage and operate the entire cloud infrastructure

Meet the speakers:

Join the free webinar “Building a Large Scale Enterprise IaaS with OpenStack and Software-Defined Storage”.

  • Date: May 12
  • Time: 10GMT+1
  • Location: Zoom

Register for the webinar



Sardina Systems blog
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A cloud software vendor building on OpenStack & Kubernetes with Zero-Downtime Operations, scalable, no lock-in, and efficient to any enterprise.