Advice for Social Media Wannabes

Sascha’s Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2020

It happened again.

Another business guy got advice from a personal branding coach.

Now he starts publish pictures of himself and reports everything he does.

For professional reasons I have been following this for quite a while now.

Ok, actually I’m burning to learn more about the strange behavior that platforms like LinkedIn encourage people to.

What makes people burning to get on the big stage?

From my point of view it is an old principle we all know from the entertainment industry.

I call it the micro moment of fame. The grand illusion of social relevance.

Every like, every mention, and every new follower rewards people for their efforts, even if they follow no logic. And let them plunge into deep disappointment if success fails, welcome to the Social Media business model!

This reminds me of “The Grand Illusion” by Styx.

This song is reportedly about the deep frustration of an artist after his first number 1 hit. About the moment he realizes that success in mass media only lasts for a blink of an eye for most people.

Social media platforms are a glittering world that offers very little space on stage. However, millions of people run the rat race every day.

I advise you not to join in.

The calculation is simple: the chance to achieve fame with personal branding is as high as winning the lottery.

So stay out of it?

Not at all! There are always alternatives to the big stage. Let others make fools of themselves.

Quality is rarely found in the mainstream. Be where the really interesting people are who enrich your business and your life.

I use LinkedIn every day to find these people and engage with them.

If you like, join me there

