Dare to Care

Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2016

By Diana Xu

My parents used to say that I cared too much about how other people felt. For a long time, I carried that sentiment around like a weakness — I was too invested in others to focus on myself. However throughout high school and college, that perspective shifted. I still spend a lot of time invested in others, but I came to realize that through serving others and being empathetic, I was also investing in myself.

One of the biggest reasons that SASE is so important to me is because it allows me to help other Asian American scientists and engineers reach their full potential while also honing my own personal development. Whether it is through retreats with my fellow RMs and RCs, individual calls with the Midwest chapters, or team meetings with my regional team, I am amazed at the opportunities to serve the SASE community.

Through these diverse and exciting experiences, I have honed my leadership skills and learned more about the world than I have in all my schooling combined. Out of all the experiences that SASE has to offer, National Conference is by far the best. After attending my first SASE National Conference in Philadelphia two years ago, I realized how fresh and poignant the mission of the organization was, and how much potential SASE has to be an absolutely extraordinary group. And, it wasn’t just the first conference — it’s every time I attend a SASE conference!

By hearing from fantastic keynote speakers, attending diverse workshops and interacting with so many brilliant students and professionals, I feel re-energized and excited about the work that needs to be done in the organization and in my own life. I hope that my personal story motivates you to attend the National Conference in Dallas or your region’s Regional Conference this year. If you see me at SASENC, please say hello!

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Originally published at saseconnect.org.




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