SASE Texas A&M University Chapter’s Growth

Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2017

By Kevin Lee, Texas A&M University

Trying to get a job or make new friends? Here at Texas A&M University, we strive to balance both professional and social aspects.

Established in 2013, our chapter’s membership has grown from 20 to over 60. Due to our relative newness, we have the freedom to experiment and see our ideas come to fruition.

We are fortunate to be able to potentially create precedents for future years.

Each year, we broaden our members’ horizon by diversifying the companies that attend our meetings. Sometimes, the representatives have special topics about professionalism and interpersonal skills.

Similarly, our workshops aim to develop both hard and soft skills. Various topics include resume writing, mock interviews, elevator pitch development, and public speaking.

Our committees are another great way to get involved.

Not only do you get exposed to leadership roles, but you also help plan fun events. For example, the fundraising committee created a magnificent poster board and won 1st place at Fusion Fiesta, a cultural festival. Other successful socials include cupcake decoration, mentorship Midnight Yell, and a Halloween-themed murder mystery.

Photo Credit: Dominic Nguyen

Over the past year, we have been able to refine our mentorship program into “families.” In addition to individual mentorship, these close knit families foster stronger connections by providing guidance, hosting informal meetings, and enabling learning opportunities.

Most importantly, we could not have accomplished all of this without our amazing officer team, diligent committees, and fantastic members. If you are in the South Central region, we hoped you joined us April 1st, 2017 for our Regional Conference!

Photo Credit: Dominic Nguyen

SASE TAMU Chapter was awarded the 2016 Most Improved Chapter award at the 2016 SASE National Conference in Dallas, TX.

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