Khanh Vu, Executive Director of SASE, will be coming to Dallas to talk to students about leadership and starting a SASE chapter

What does SASE mean to you?

Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2016


“SASE, Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers, is a community and family of leaders helping and supporting each other to improve ourselves, our community, and the world. I am continually heartened when I see our younger members grow and expand their repertoire to make an impact among their friends and community.

To know that we have grown so much, just in sheer numbers is humbling, from 800 people in 2011 to over 2000 people. I have had the honor of meeting so many great young leaders and learning from them. SASE energizes me when I meet and exchange ideas with our members and supporters!” Khanh Vu, SASE Executive Director

SASE, Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers, is a professional National organization that prepares scientists, engineers and technologists for success in the global business world by providing career advancements, leadership opportunities, and networking events.

Want to learn more about SASE? Or become a founder of a SASE chapter at your school?
Come meet the leaders behind it all, including Khanh Vu, Matt Diaz, and Jessica Moy!

They will be coming to various universities in Dallas to talk to students about leadership and how to be a founder of a SASE chapter. SASE National Conference 2016 will be held in Dallas, and YOU can be a part of shaping it.

Below is a list of places they will be visiting:

1/26 Tuesday 11:50am-12:50pm CST: University of Texas at Arlington @ ERB 228

1/26 Tuesday 6:30–7:30 pm CST: Southern Methodist University @ Embrey Building, Huitt-Zollars Pavilion

1/28 Thursday: UT Dallas (Details available in Jonsson School of Engineering and the Asia Center)

Share this to anyone you know in the Dallas, TX area or if SASE has helped you in your college and professional career.

For more information about SASE, check out the video, Find Your Place with SASE




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