Part 2. SASEUL: Beyond Blockchain,

Building a Symphony of Decentralized Computing

Seoul Labs
4 min readJan 16, 2024


Part 2: Demystifying the Loom — Saseul’s Architecture Untangled

Now, with the wonder of Saseul’s groundbreaking achievement fresh in our minds, let’s explore the intricate mechanisms that power this ambitious revolution. Saseul’s architecture rests upon three fundamental layers, each a vital player in this digital symphony:

The Fabric of Interconnected Devices:

Picture millions of threads, each a device — your smartphone, a server humming in a data center, even a sensor nestled in a farmer’s field. This vibrant ensemble forms the foundation of Saseul’s tapestry, a vast, decentralized network humming with untapped potential. Each thread, unique in its processing power and storage, contributes its voice to the collective orchestra, waiting to be harmonized by Saseul’s unseen conductor.

The Warp and Weft of Blockchain:

Weaving security and trust into this tapestry is blockchain technology. Saseul utilizes a unique dual-chain architecture that combines:

High-speed transaction chain: This chain handles the constant flow of data and resource allocation within the network, ensuring efficient task execution and collaboration.

Secure and reliable consensus chain: The secure and reliable consensus chain is like the bedrock of the entire system, holding onto every transaction and ensuring the unchangeable nature of the ledger. It employs advanced cryptographic techniques and a strong consensus mechanism, Proof of Rule, ensuring the integrity of data and keeping bad actors from messing with the network.

This two-chain system is a careful dance between being efficient and secure, letting Saseul manage complicated tasks while keeping the core principles of trust and transparency intact. The team, which includes some of the best in cybersecurity, is devoted to creating strong security measures and always staying on top of potential weaknesses.

The Conductor of Collaborative Computing:

Orchestrating this symphony of devices is Saseul’s unique consensus algorithm and file system. It plays the role of the invisible maestro, performing several critical functions:

HAP-2 (Hypothesis Acceptance Procedure): In HAP-2, miners who succeed aren’t immediately replaced but continue as Validators for a set duration, ensuring consistent network integrity. This system enables multiple Validators to simultaneously participate in block creation, enhancing efficiency and security. Validators propose their own hypotheses for block creation, and through collective synchronization and agreement, the most supported hypothesis is selected to finalize the block. This method not only democratizes the validation process but also significantly fortifies the network against DDoS attacks, as the identity of Validators remains undisclosed.

Data Storage: In SASEUL’s high-speed blockchain network, the approach to data storage is innovative and tailored to manage rapidly increasing data capacity. Unlike traditional blockchains that rely on the advancement of hardware performance, SASEUL adopts a more strategic method. Network participants categorize data into two types: commonly stored data and individually stored data. This unique system allows for efficient management of storage space, leveraging a combination of Merkle trees and Hashtable structures for data organization. The methodology ensures data is evenly distributed across the network, enhancing accessibility and efficiency.

Now, with the loom exposed in all its intricate glory, let’s explore the possibilities it unlocks:

Scientific Advancement:

Imagine a global orchestra of research computers, united by Saseul, tackling complex simulations and analyzing massive datasets in real time. This collaborative power could crack the code of life-saving medical breakthroughs, accelerate our understanding of climate change, and propel us beyond the boundaries of known science.

Decentralized Creativity:

Artists and content creators, unbound by the limitations of individual devices, can leverage the network’s distributed resources to craft stunning 3D animations, generate immersive virtual experiences, or even co-create artwork in real-time with collaborators across the globe. Saseul paints a future where imagination transcends physical borders, and artists weave their masterpieces on the canvas of the interconnected network.

The Empowered User:

For us, the everyday users, Saseul promises a future where any device can tap into the vast power of the network. Picture running resource-intensive software on your smartphone, seamlessly offloading tasks to nearby devices, or renting out your device’s unused capacity to earn rewards. Saseul democratizes computing power, transforming our devices from solitary tools into connected threads in a tapestry of collective intelligence.

To become such a masterpiece, SASEUL had addressed following challenges, so called trillema:


SASEUL has achieved what Bitcoin and Ethereum have failed to do: increase processing speeds to real-world levels while maintaining full decentralization. In addition, SASEUL is working on upgrading its engine to increase processing speed to real-time levels, and expects to make this technological breakthrough in the first half of 2024.


Maintaining trust in a decentralized environment demands sophisticated security protocols and vulnerability mitigation strategies. The Saseul team, composed of renowned cybersecurity experts, is dedicated to developing robust security protocols and continuously mitigating potential vulnerabilities.


SASEUL introduces ‘Connected Contracts’ to enable transactions between different types of coins without relying on bridges, and unique data storage system for directly storing various types of data, including NFTs, on blockchain blocks. SASEUL’s technology notably avoids central server vulnerabilities, enhancing security. Its implementation of NFTs ensures authenticity and tamper-proof storage, with all content encoded and stored within blocks. These solutions, though effective individually, shine brighter in collaboration with other blockchains, underscoring the need for broader understanding and interest in SASEUL’s blockchain solutions.

With these challenges knocked out, Saseul’s potential is undeniable. It beckons us toward a future where computing power is not a solitary privilege but a shared symphony conducted by trust and collaboration. It’s a vision where the limitations of our devices dissolve, replaced by a boundless canvas woven from the combined threads of human ingenuity.

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