⭕️ How to Vote

  1. Open the sashimi snapshot site: https://snapshot.sashimi.cool/#/sashimi
  2. Go to your project’s snapshot.page
  3. Click on the option you want to vote for
  4. Sign the message via your wallet and done

Note: When you want to vote on the SASHIMI snapshot https://snapshot.sashimi.cool/#/sashimi, you need to use the ETH-SASHIMI SALP staked in the farms, namely SASHIMICHAKRA. One token = one vote.

Check the detailed tutorial for voting on snapshot: https://docs.snapshot.page/guides/create-a-proposal


  1. Go to SashimiSwap Exchange and “Pool” panel: https://sashimi.cool/app/#/pool
  2. Add liquidity: Select Token: ETH + SASHIMI
  3. Enter the amount you want to add
  4. If you successfully deposited tokens, the SashimiSwap will give you some amount of ETH-SASHIMI SALP tokens.

