The right ain’t right — how fascism has no place in our Satanism

Andy Diabolus
Satanic Sermons


This morning, the Telegraph, a right wing newspaper in the UK, published a story on how children as young as 13 were joining Satanic Nazi groups. This was based upon the State of Hate 2019 report, an annual report compiled by Hope Not Hate, a respected right-wing watch organisation, which has charted the rise of right-wing groups in the UK. The report includes news on groups such as the UK Independence Party embracing right-wing ideals, the rise of the ideologue Tommy Robinson, and includes a section on The Order of Nine Angles (ONA), a Satanic Nazi group gathering international recognition. If you’d like to read it yourself, it starts at page 80; we should warn you, it contains some disturbing and confusing stuff.

Unsurprisingly, the Telegraph are resorting to sensationalist disaster journalism by confusing two facts — one that far-right groups are gaining members as young as thirteen years old, and that Satanic Nazi groups are gaining traction. Despite this, we still feel it important to make the clear and unwavering statement that we, as the Global Order of Satan, have no association with Nazis of any kind, and we state emphatically that they have nothing to do with what we see as Satanism.

Since 2016, we have seen the rise of the right across much of the Western world. Events such as Trump’s inauguration, the Brexit referendum, the rise of populism, Charlottesville, anti-Muslim protests, and more have given far-right views the oxygen they need to become more visible. With this, fringe groups have become larger and more prevalent, with the Order of Nine Angles (ONA) being one of them. Starting in the 1960s, the ONA don’t actually refer to themselves as Satanists, preferring to be termed as ‘Nazi Occultists’ (we personally think they must have had a very different takeaway from Indiana Jones than we did), but still are also listed on Wikipedia as being ‘Traditional Satanists’, believing in an actual Devil to worship. The ONA condemn Judaeo-Christian society, seeing it as part of a plot to take over the political and economic systems of the world, ascribe a new imperial age with a neo-pagan philosophy, aiming to “colonise the solar system with Aryans”. They openly propagate Holocaust revisionism, praise Hitler and the Third Reich, and encourage members to join other National Socialist groups such as Atomwaffen and Sonnenkrieg Division in the U.K. Despite these connections, Atomwaffen Division in the U.S. have recently come out against Satanism, as it runs counter to the far-right’s ties to Christianity, leading to a fragmented and confused picture. Finally, the ONA’s founding texts, the Black Book of Satan, encourages members to be secretive, conduct acts of violent aggression, sexual assault, ritualised rape, animal and human sacrifice during rituals and ‘culling’, or murder of human victims.

Suffice to say, all of these ideas are completely against what we believe as Satanists. You just have to look at our Six Pillars to realise that our values are wildly different from theirs. We are a non-theistic group who abhors the use of any form of violence. While we believe that standing up to those who seek to push their views and beliefs upon others, we feel strongly that this can only be achieved by legal, peaceful, and non-aggressive methods. Our membership is made entirely of progressive, liberally minded individuals who support people of all races, backgrounds, and sexualities, and we stand for religious pluralism and bodily autonomy. The rise of the right-wing across the Western world utterly appalls us, and we will happily join any protest against these dangerous and divisive ideas.

Hail Satan.



Andy Diabolus
Satanic Sermons

Chaplain for the UK Chapter of — views are my own, and not always those of the organisation. Twitter: @AndyDiabolus