Cuarteron Reef, Spratlys, South China Sea: Satellite Image Update

Radar antenna array first reported in The Diplomat in September 2015 is nearing completion.

Victor Robert Lee
Satellite Image Analysis
2 min readFeb 21, 2016


Located in the eastern London Reefs, Cuarteron is known as Calderon Reef in Filipino, Huayang Jiao 华阳礁 in Chinese, and đá Châu Viên in Vietnamese.

Imagery as of January 21, 2016 and August 23, 2015.

By Victor Robert Lee

Cuarteron Reef, Spratlys, South China Sea. Southern block is a probable radar antenna array. Image by Victor Robert Lee & DigitalGlobe.
Probable radar antenna array at Cuarteron Reef, Spratlys, South China Sea. Image is darkened to enhance visibility of antenna poles against light sand surface. Victor Robert Lee / DigitalGlobe.

The construction of the radar antenna array on Cuarteron pictured above was first noted in an article by Victor Robert Lee published in The Diplomat on September 16, 2015; image below:

Possible HF long-distance radar antenna array being constructed on Cuarteron Reef, Spratlys, South China Sea; from a September 2015 Diplomat article by Victor Robert Lee. Image by Victor Robert Lee & DigitalGlobe.
Command center, Cuarteron Reef, Spratlys, South China Sea. Image by Victor Robert Lee & DigitalGlobe.
Cuarteron Reef, Spratlys, South China Sea. Image by Victor Robert Lee & DigitalGlobe.

Victor Robert Lee reports from the Asia-Pacific region and is the author of the espionage novel Performance Anomalies, set in Asia. His non-fiction articles on the South China Sea, the East China Sea, China, Indonesia, and other Asian territories can be found in The Diplomat and elsewhere.

