Phase One Data / Code Release

Terence Siganakis
Satellite Intelligence
2 min readAug 12, 2019

Download phase one data here [166mb]

We have pre-processed a time series of tiles, along with masks for a small region of Proserpine in Queensland.

  • There are 994 image files, across 12 bands, ranging in dates from 2016–12–22 through to 2019–08–09
  • The images in the “TCI” will be the easiest to intuit. The other bands will appear to be black and white, as they show the intensity of light at a particular wavelength.
  • Tiles are 512 pixels in height and width, and therefore corresponds to an area of approximately 25Ha.
  • Tiles are time stamped by the date of capture (approximately each 14 days)
  • Tiles have one image per capture date, per sensing band
  • Tiles have a json file providing meta data about the conditions of the capture, and its location in lat/long.
  • Tiles also have a “mask” which corresponds to the Sugarcane regions, so you can more easily identify whether a pixel is likely to be growing sugarcane versus another crop

We suggest that you use this data to try to detect when crops have been harvested and build up a time series of when each field is harvested and how big it is. The average yield of Sugarcane in Queensland can be found online and thus you can identify how much sugarcane is harvested per week / month.

This page was created with the support of Growing Data

