[Eng][RPi] Remote Desktop Access to the Raspberry Pi via RDP with 5 platforms

Sathittham (Phoo) Sangthong
SS Blog
Published in
6 min readJun 19, 2016

Remote Desktop is the way to access to the Raspberry Pi GUI via RDP on a network. It’s pretty easy way (another ways beside the VNC). So this blog will guide you how to use RDP with 5 platforms including; Windows, macOS, iOS, Linux and Android.

What is RDP ?

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is a protocol developed by Microsoft, which gives a user with a GUI (Graphic User Interface) to connect to another computer over a network connection. The user must have RDP client software and the other computer must run RDP server software. By default, the server listens on TCP port 3389 and UDP port 3389.

Setup RDP Server for Raspberry Pi !

RDP Server software : xrdp

  • Connect the Raspberry Pi to a Network as same as the computer that we are going to use
  • Find the IP address of the Raspberry Pi by using the command ifconfig … and remember it !
  • At the Terminal of the Raspberry Pi , type command
sudo apt-get install xrdp

RDP via Windows

On the Windows OS, we already have a RDP Client Software installed.


*In my case, I use Windows 10.

  • At the Search bar, type > Remote Desktop Connection
  • Computer : type the IP address of the Raspberry Pi
  • clink Connect button
  • Clink YES to confirm
  • At the login screen, type Username/Password of our Raspberry and then click on OK button.
  • There you go ! We are in ! Pretty easy, isn’t it ?

RDP via macOS (Mac)

On the macOS (OS X), We need to install RDP Client of MS named Microsoft Remote Desktop.


*In my case, I use OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 .

  • Open the application and click on New (+) button, fill in the details
  • PC Name : IP address of the Raspberry Pi
  • Username : (username of the Raspberry Pi)
  • Password : (password of the Raspberry Pi)
  • Click on Start button
  • Click on Connect Once button or Connect Always button
Screen Shot 2559-06-18 at 3.55.17 PM
  • There you go ! We are in !

RDP via Linux (Ubuntu)

On the Ubuntu OS, we already have a RDP Client Software installed.


*In my case, I use Ubuntu 16.04.

  • open the software called Remmina Remote Desktop Client
  • type the IP address of the Raspberry Pi and click on Connect button
  • At the login screen, type Username/Password of our Raspberry and then click on OK button.
  • There you go ! We are in !

RDP via iOS (iPhone, iPad)

On the iOS, We need to install RDP Client software named iRDP.


*In my case, I use iOS 9.3.2 .
** There is a Microsoft Remote Desktop application on iOS but it seem to have a bug on Virtual keyboard.

  • There you go ! We are in !
  • Try the Virtual Keyboard and it works fine !

RDP via Android

On the Android, We need to install RDP Client software named Remote RDP Lite.


*In my case, I use Android 4.3.3 .
** There is a Microsoft Remote Desktop application on iOS but it seem to have a several bugs.

  • Fill in the detail
  • Host : IP address of the Raspberry Pi
  • User : (username of the Raspberry pi)
  • Password : (password of the Raspberry pi)
  • Click on the Connection name (pi@ that we just created.
  • Connecting….
  • There you go ! We are in !
  • Try the Virtual Keyboard and it works fine !
  • There are Options menu on the right button corner that we can zoom in/out and virtual keyboard.
  • I try to use full screen but the scale is not right.
  • On android’s Menu bar, there are another options. If we don’t use it anymore, just disconnect.


RDP is another very easy way to remote desktop (GUI) access. It’s good for new user that want to access the Raspberry pi with GUI without the monitor or want to access with your Smartphone/Tablet.

This blog I use on my local network (which not much traffics). There is no any delays, so next time I will try to access via the Internet.




Sathittham (Phoo) Sangthong
SS Blog

Hi! It's me Phoo! I’m a Software Developer 👨‍💻 , a Startup Entrepreneur 📱 and a Runner 🏃 . Currently, I’m a Co-Founder and CTO of a Startup name “Urbanice”.