[ENG][RPi]The Matrix Screensaver for Raspberry Pi

Sathittham (Phoo) Sangthong
SS Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2016

One of my favorite movie is “The Matrix” and the cool thing of this movie is the black screen with all the letters running. I think it would be awesome if I put it on my Raspberry Pi’s Screensaver. So I search on the Google and found “CMatrix” written by Chris Allegretta. It’s very easy, just apt-get it and run !

Let’s do it !

Step 1 : Get the cmatrix

  • Open the Terminal and type the command
sudo apt-get install cmatrix

Step 2 : Run cmatrix

  • Type the command
  • That’s it ! We got our The Matrix Screensaver.
  • If you want to exit just press Ctrl+C .

Step 3 : Options and Buttons

  • The following options is used with “cmatrix” command e.g. -a
cmatrix -a
  • Options:
    -a: Asynchronous scroll, more like the movie/original screensaver
    -b: Partial bold text mode
    -B: All bold text mode
    -f: Force the linux $TERM type to on
    -l: Linux support for linux console matrix.fnt font
    -n: No bold text mode
    -o: Use “old-style” scrolling — less like the movie, more like the Win/Mac screensaver.
    -s: “Screen saver” mode. Any key aborts (default is “eye candy” mode, must abort with control C)
    -x: X window mode, use if your xterm is using mtx.pcf
    -u [update]: Update delay (0–9, default 4).
    -C [color]: Use color for matrix (default green).
  • Keystrokes available while running (not available in -s mode):
    a: Toggle asynch mode
    b: Enable partial bold text
    B: Enable all bold text
    n: Disable bold text
    0–9: Change update delay
    ! @ # $ % ^ & ): Change the color of the matrix to the corresponding color: ! — red, @ — green, # — yellow, $ — blue, % — magenta, ^ — cyan, & — white, ) — black.




Sathittham (Phoo) Sangthong
SS Blog

Hi! It's me Phoo! I’m a Software Developer 👨‍💻 , a Startup Entrepreneur 📱 and a Runner 🏃 . Currently, I’m a Co-Founder and CTO of a Startup name “Urbanice”.