An Open Letter to My High School Graduating Class

The Process
Published in
5 min readAug 14, 2016

Dear Fellow Graduates,

When the seniors that just started school graduate this Spring, it will mark the FIVE year anniversary of our graduation. FIVE YEARS. Ask yourself this, if someone asked you our senior year “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” would the answer then match where you are now?

I don’t get home much; in fact, I can count on two hands the amount of times I’ve been back since graduating. Usually when I do I check-out; I spend my time hanging out with my brother, talking with my parents and eating at the few restaurants that are staples for me, but this time was different. For whatever reason, I don’t think it was intentional, I was checked in. As a result, I learned quite a bit about what the people I did life with just 5 years ago are doing and holy shit… I’m sitting on my flight back and can’t help but feel discouraged.

What is going on? We are in the time of our lives where we are supposed to be getting degrees, starting business and traveling the world. Instead we are getting high, starting families (unintentionally) and spiraling out of control. WHAT HAPPENED? This isn’t me thinking I’m better than you or talking down at anyone. This is me being genuinely concerned for people that I cared so much about in High School. This is me wanting the conversations I had with so many about how successful we were going to be or how great we were going to make our lives to be true. This is me reminiscing on some incredible memories and not recognizing the people that are in them today. And I guess this is me reaching out. We may not be close any more but that doesn’t mean I don’t want the best for you as a human being.

I’m not perfect, I won’t claim to be and my answer to the question 5 years ago of where I would be today would for sure be a lot different because people change, we have different goals, aspirations and trajectories in life, I get it. But I’m excited about what is ahead. The changes to that answer have been improvements, not accidents, and I can’t wait to execute them. I want the same thing for you. I want you to wake up looking forward to how you can get to that goal or vision not excited to roll another blunt or counting down until Friday night.

I don’t know… maybe its just the way I’m wired, but I genuinely don’t understand how so many people that I cared about are where they are right now. I hope this is a wake up call. I hope you hate everything I am typing because you are thinking “Who the hell does this guy think he is talking about my life that why?” or “Are you kidding me right now? He can’t be serious.” Well, I am. I hope this is pissing you off because what I really hope is that you turn that anger and that hate toward me into action. Why? Because my guess, or my hope, is that no one said “I think I’ll be married… and divorced” or “I’ll probably be having my second kid” or “I think I’d like to live at home and drop out of school”.

Like it or not, your current circumstances, awesome or terrible, are a result of the decisions YOU have made. Sure, there are things that happen to us that are out of our control and can have severe impacts on us, but the way we handle those is on us. We can either let the situation define us or we can define the situation and far too many of us are doing the first and making excuses second. You know better than anyone that life is hard, but if that is your excuse then you’ve already lost.

However, the amazing thing about being our age, is regardless of where we are now we can change our trajectory, make better decisions and set ourselves up for success. We have our whole lives ahead of us and that should be exciting, not daunting. Regardless of where you’re at, start now. Find people who will support you and get rid of those who are stuck in the life you never wanted. A lot can change when you take control of your decisions and stop listening to “What’s cool” because News Flash: What’s cool is what got you here and its actually not that cool.

All I’m saying is that as an outsider looking in, it hurts to see people who I cared so much about suffering. Maybe everything I am typing means nothing to you, but at the very least know that you have someone in your corner, and no matter how close we were, if we hated each other or if we have never even met, I am more than happy to be someone you can reach out to. You can get ahold of me using any of the stuff below. Before you do, though, please ask yourself, “Where do I want to be in 5 years?” and make that answer the one that happens.

Your classmate and friend,


Thanks for Reading! Thoughts? I’d love to hear them. Please leave them below or reach out to me via other outlets (also below!)


Twitter: @KyleRohrmann

Instagram: @KyleRohrmann



The Process

In the process of becoming many things. This is that process.