I’m An Independent Thinker and Here’s The Meme to Prove It

Don’t let them brainwash you!!!

Matt Fotis
Satire & The State
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2020


Oh, it’s true, even if they say it’s false. In fact, them saying it’s false only proves how true it is!

Life on social media can be tough nowadays. With so much fake news going around and the extreme liberal bias of everything in the world — including the moon — I SEE YOU MOON! — it can be hard to think for yourself.

But I’m no brainwashed liberal sheeple! I’m an independent thinker. And to prove it, let me share yet another highly manipulated, false, and manufactured meme from my right-wing bubble.

False? More like too true for the liberals to handle it!

You might be thinking to yourself, “How come so many of this independent thinker’s posts are labeled false?” Because that’s just what they want you to think. If the truth wasn’t so dangerous, they wouldn’t be trying to hide it from you. Ever think about that? No. You didn’t. Because you’re a brainwashed sheeple. But I’m an independent thinker.

Look at this meme — AOC never wrote this tweet but still managed to delete it before it was shared 20,000 times! How is that even possible! Exactly! She hates America, that’s how! The truth will set us free!



Matt Fotis
Satire & The State

Theatre professor, author, playwright, dad, husband, and other stuff. Comedy, parenthood, and politics. www.mattfotis.com @mattfotis