Saudi Arabia Gives $100 Million To Fund Social Justice Campaigns In The West

Roger Dubar
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2016
Well Meaning Fools

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today announced a record $100 million in fuding for Social Justice Campaigns in Europe and the USA.

Spokesman for the Kingdom Faisal bin Muhammed Tradjaz, speaking exclusivley to Satiria, explained:

Our Kingdom has extensively funded social justice campaigns in the West for many years now. This way, Social Justice activists in Europe and America can be persuaded to forget just how staggeringly privileged they are to live where they do, and to forget about the terrible human rights record exported by Saudi Arabia to countries across the Muslim world, where we work to stamp out the hugely diverse forms of Islam previously found there, and impose instead strict Salafi Wahabbism.

The official confirmed that this funding was in addition to already allocated funds aimed at keeping Westerns opposed to Israel, while comletely ignoring the abysmal human rights records of Muslims across the rest of the Middle East and beyond.

Bizarre Western Art Project

Investigative reporting by Satiria has confirmed that the Saudi Government’s funding is in addition to other funds provided to left wing and social justice groups by the governments of Russia and Iran, and from Islamist organisations including the Muslim Brotherhood.

UK student leader Dafe Adhuka explained:

This money will allow us to extend our Social Justice Campaigning into ever more diverse forms. Primarily this will mean fighting Islamophobia, which is is a contrived fear or prejudice fomented by the existing Eurocentric and Orientalist global power structure, directed at a perceived or real Muslim threat through the maintenance and extension of existing disparities in economic, political, social and cultural relations, while rationalizing the necessity to deploy violence as a tool to achieve “civilizational rehab” of the target communities (Muslim or otherwise), and which reintroduces and reaffirms a global racial structure through which resource distribution disparities are maintained and extended.

Student activist Anita Whitey told Satiria how excited she was about the news:

This funding will enable us to campaign to limit free speech which is only used by racists anyway. Our work to support oppressed Muslims and LGBTQ people who face terrible oppression in the West, unparalleled in human history, will at least receive the support and recognition it deserves. We are gateful to the Saudi Government for their humanitarian gesture at this time.

