Sounds Like a Business

Max Samarin
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2016

This has truly been a busy week: lots of meetings, hours and hours of product development and, of course, preparing for the Grand Finale. Sounds like a business? It truly does — some companies are even interested in acquiring our application. It’s so rewarding that at the end of a university course we can truly make an impact.


Throughout the week we have met many companies in order to present satisFactory for them and validate certain aspects of it. Things we discussed included the prototype, the future of our product, value that satisFactory would bring to different departments within companies, and how much commissions could activity providers realistically pay us for this kind of service. Companies we discussed with were Elisa, Tiketti, Nitor and Reaktor — different in size and industries. By getting feedback from small and large companies with different working environments we have been able to use this diverse information to understand our playground as well as the customer base much better. Here are the key points that we got from these discussions:

Elisa: Could be really valuable for Human Resources people. Spontaneous afterwork culture has faded a bit, so that’s a challenge. Integration of discounts (sport passes etc. that companies already provide for employees) could be integrated.

Tiketti: Even though competition might be harsh, satisFactory is still pretty unique and has potential. satisFactory could be integrated with Tiketti’s existing system — then we would get a large user base from the beginning, which is very crucial.

Nitor: Liked the concept, shareable link is great. Gave many new ideas on functionality.

Reaktor: Interested in trying it out. Especially liked the spontaneous aspect of satisFactory.

Preparing for the Grand Finale

The application itself has been under development and has greatly improved, thanks to our amazing tech team. To the prototype, we added the functionality of adding events. We now had a visually pleasant minimum viable product that could be presented at the Grand Finale.

To support our demonstration, we had also prepared a poster that would be at our stand, summarizing satisFactory and its business model in a way that is pleasant to the eye:

Summarizing what satisFactory is all about, and how it would work business-wise.

Next week, we’ll talk about the Grand Finale and the future of satisFactory. Stay tuned!

Have a nice afterwork ❤

- Team satisFactory

