SatisMeter has Moved! Check out our new Blog

Cally Tomlinson
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2019

It’s official, moving day is here! From now on you’ll find the SatisMeter blog hosted on our own domain.

For several years now we’ve hosted the SatisMeter blog here on Medium. It’s simple to use, provides something of a ready-made audience, and functions as a community. However as we’ve grown, the reasons for us to move have multiplied. That’s why this will be our last post on Medium.

As a company we’ve made a big push recently to be more data-driven. That’s meant working with new colleagues on interpreting the analytics we capture, and acting on them. Our blog posed a major obstacle to getting this done, we simply weren’t collecting much data while using Medium.

Furthermore, having spent a lot of time and effort updating and improving our website, we realised bringing all our content onto that domain could offer a serious boost to our SEO. Why would we pass up that opportunity?

our new blog

It’s taken a fair bit of work, perhaps even a little more than we expected, but we’re happy to announce that our new blog is now ready to go, running on WordPress on our own domain. Using a combination of GA and Momently we’ve got more insight than ever before, and can direct visitors to our content in the way we want to.

No hard feelings to Medium, it’s a great platform that’s served us well while we’ve used it, it simply no longer meets our needs. We’d love to hear from similar businesses about how you manage your blog content, and if it’s still on Medium, how you leverage it for the greatest benefits.

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Cally Tomlinson

Cally is a content manager for SatisMeter, a customer feedback platform for reducing churn, improving product, and accelerating growth.