Proof of Memories — Coming to NEARCON2022

NEAR Tasks
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2022

What happens when combining organic social content with POAPs?

Satori has always focused on creating fun and engaging products that leverage the power of NFTs. We see NEARCON as a perfect opportunity to do something that has never been done before. In Lisbon, the NEAR ecosystem comes together to interact, learn from each other and see all the incredible concepts people are working on.

Enter Proof of Memories.

Proof of Memories is a dynamic NFT concept with the goal of enabling all NEARCON participants to have a fun, eye-opening experience with a Satori product.

Through combining social interactions and blockchain technology, Proof of Memories is an engaging and lightweight app powered by Satori’s Spearmint minting API. This engine will provide an experience which will spark a feeling of belonging at NEARCON.

Each Memory will be shared across Twitter and be visible in a gallery during our event. We see Proof of Memories as a pure experience that embodies the ethos of web3. Mint as many Memories as you desire.

Satori will give away at least 3 NEAR NFTs to stellar genesis Memories contributors for each day of NEARCON2022! Stay tuned for the POM recap and giveaways on the 15th! NFT included in the giveaways are listed at the end of the article.

How It Works

Your Proof of Memory (POM) will be minted in real time at NEARCON. Proof of Memories starts with a built-in camera app on your phone (or at the Satori booth iPad), once a photo is snapped–you are given the option to automatically mint the memory to your wallet and share to other wallets. We are batch minting these behind the scenes so there is ZERO exposure to end users that a crypto transaction is taking place — truly seamless.

All POMs will be viewable inside the NFT collection on NEAR marketplaces. They will also be shared across social media and in the wallets of those that took photos/had photos shared with them. Everyone that mints or receives a photo is a participant in the broad collection.

Proof of Memories will allow the NEARCON community to come together and create a collective experience that lives on-chain, giving anyone the ability to utilize this rich content during or after the event.

Whether you are meeting with your team for the first time in person, listening to an inspirational talk, see a group of hackers smiling behind computers exhausted after a night out, or even at home participating virtually, this experience is intended to target all participants. We want to capture perspectives from everyone and encourage each person to be part of this collective piece of community generated content.

Give it a try

Activating audiences in a creative fashion is challenging. Proof of Memories is a fun and lightweight product experience that combines social engagement and blockchain technology. If you are a participant at NEARCON, give Proof of Memories a try. Mint a photo, share with your friends (if you know their wallets) and see how the community chooses to document NEARCON 2022.

There are no limits to how many Memories you wish to mint. With Proof of Memories: everyone can participate, everyone is a creator, and everyone will be seen. This will be a community created and owned piece of art.

Interested in using Proof of Memories for your events? Add your email to our form and let’s talk!

NEAR NFT Giveaways

September 11th

1st — Freaky Elf #665

2nd — RealBird #525

3rd — The Dons #3216

September 12th

1st — Kaizo Fighter #139

2nd — NEAR Starfish Evolve #90

3rd — The Dons #319

September 13th

1st — Kaizo Fighter #484

2nd — NEAR Starfish Evolve #53

3rd — RealBird #206

4th — Mini Alien #210

September 14th

1st — NEARton #1259

2nd — Freaky Elf #1040

3rd — Mini Alien #002

Stay updated on Twitter + Instagram

