Become A Satorone

Satowallet Exchange
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2019

SatoWallet Helper System.

I’m almost certain that since you are reading this post, you spend majority of your time living and breathing cryptocurrencies. To put it in simpler words without cryptocurrencies, there is a void in your heart that will never be filled. Well this is for you if you feel that way. This is also a major opportunity to get involved in SATORONES (our very own HELPER SYSTEM)

At SatoWallet, we want to create a medium where most knowledgeable and firsthand users of the app are involved in making it more effortless and facile for new users. By doing this, SatoWallet would be able to increase its scope of usage worldwide and bring the knowledge of the App to the doorstep of the public.

We are currently enrolling volunteers to serve as Satorone who would chaperone and assist new users of our ever growing community.

Roles of a Satorone

• Help new users use the platform

• Reply users’ questions and comments

• Beta test future versions of the SatoWallet App and give relevant feedback and suggestion that will make the app better.

• Become part of the main team for online and offline events and hangouts

• Help interpret and proofread content

• Provide SatoWallet with user’s feedback and suggestions

Benefits of being a Satorone

• Get special invitation and recognition at all SatoWallet events and hangouts.

• Satorone’s’ suggestions and feedbacks will be taken at high priority

• Be called-in for Satorone meetings with the SatoWallet core team members.

• Satorone’s will receive special giveaways exclusively made for Satorone’s


Location: Global

Selection Criteria: Passionate about crypto currency and exchanges; already a supporter of SatoWallet

Interested applicants can apply here. Satowallet Application Page

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Satowallet Exchange

Satowallet Exchange is a Leading Multi-Asset Wallet. Control your Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, Ripple and over 60 other Crypto assets all in one app.