Satowallet Exchange
Published in
4 min readJan 28, 2019


To many who have followed our history, it may seem a curious development; an earnest strive to become the best in the services we provide. Satowallet has seen both winter and the sunny days and in all we have remained strong, carrying out series of update to be at the forefront of innovation in the Blockchain space.

This innovation led us into creating the Satowallet Shares as a way of digitizing the company ownership, and also bring more liquidity into the system. This month marks the third month of the Satowallet dividend payment and i have been working on way to improve our dividend payment system for our present, current, and future investors.


Since trading profit is earned daily, we are proposing a daily Dividend payment instead of the monthly payment. This is because we believe that all investors who are actively holding SATOS should enjoy this benefits and not have to wait till end of every month. This will also give room for more investors and daily traders to join the SATOS community. Holders will therefore be required to hold the minimum of 1 SATOS at exactly 00:00 UTC (UTC + 8) every 24 hours in their WALLET and not in the EXCHANGE (Open Orders) in other to earn this BITCOIN dividend. Dividend will be paid directly to users account without the need of manual collection.

We will use 20% of all trading fee earned by Satowallet, to buy back SATOS from the market as a way to increase the scarcity of our company shares as we hope to become a $1B company in no time.

Since SATOS is not just every kind of cryptocurrency in the market, but the company assets, the Satowallet team and I cannot take this decision on our own, and this is why we are bringing it to all current holders, and subjecting it to voting. Just to be sure you are agreeing to our proposal, do log into your Satowallet Mobile or PC App and Click on “Project Voting”, Select “SATOS Daily dividend Proposal” and vote. To be sure that only share holders can vote, this vote will cost 2 SATOS.

How is the SATOS Dividend calculated?

The daily dividend in BTC received by the users is not a fixed number, the more SATOS you hold the more profits you will receive. Let’s make a simple example to further elaborate;

User James holds 10000 SATOS in his Satowallet account. Let’s say on 2nd February, the average volume of our entire exchange is 3000 BTC, according to our current fee rate, the trading fee we collected per day is 7.5 BTC, and 40% share is 3 BTC. James will get 0.003BTC as each SATOS will attract 0.0000003 BTC.

The amount of SATOS is calculated based on the amount of asset held at 00:00 UTC (UTC + 8) on a daily basis and the trading fee of Satowallet at the current hour.

What the future Hold?

1. We believe Satowallet Shares is a big part of our company future and as such we are giving it our best. We hope to bring more liquidity into the Crypto space, connecting Crypto to Fiat currency and SATOS as the channel to that. We are currently discussing partnership with EPAY Cards Ltd to provide cards facility as benefit cards for Satowallet Share holders, which will be used for fiat withdrawals globally. We hope to facilitate this as fast as possible. Currently SATOS can be bought directly with USD, EUR, GBP and NGN through Jiff trade.

2. SATOS will be an asset that can be exchange for goods and services. As we continue to expand our Eco-system, we will be on-boarding merchants globally we will become part of our Eco-system and will use SATOS as payment means.

3. SATOS CHAIN: Our goal is to make SATOS a blockchain for developing Assets based on smart contract , and SATOS as the gas for signing those contracts. Our Dev team already have all hands on deck building this which we expect to release by Q3.

4. Satowallet DEX: Satowallet decentralize exchange for crypto to crypto trading , also utilizing SATOS as the gas for transactions.

In developing this new models, we appreciate the support, wisdom, and insights we’ve received from many of you over the past months, and look forward to this new phase of building.

Kind Regards

Samuel Benedict

CEO Satowallet Exchange



Satowallet Exchange

Satowallet Exchange is a Leading Multi-Asset Wallet. Control your Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, Ripple and over 60 other Crypto assets all in one app.