Homestead Water Management Ideas

Y.M. Saegusa
Published in
6 min readJun 22, 2021


Environmentally sustainable options for managing water use for small-scale homesteads

I’m continuing to envision and plan for operating an environmentally sustainable homestead one day. One vital aspect of homestead ownership is the proper management of water that is environmentally sustainable and responsible. Establishing a conceptual understanding of how water use can be managed properly is one small but important step in my journey on teaching myself the knowledge necessary in managing a homestead responsibly.

I don’t want to end up as the proverbial dog that manages to catch the car and not know what to do next. In my family’s case, finding and acquiring the perfect piece of land and clueless on how to properly manage the land.

Although homesteads near urban centers might be able to access the municipal water system, I expect my family will live in a rural community that must source its own water.

Additionally, the monthly bill for using municipal water for agricultural purposes will become prohibitively expensive. Even if municipal water is available for human consumptipn, I need to find an alternative source of water for homesteading purposes that is environmentally sustainable, financially viable, and legally sound.



Y.M. Saegusa

Advocate for regenerative agriculture and environmentally sustainable living. Future homestead owner. Editor of