Community-lead collaboration on the SATRE Project via Collaboration Cafés

An image depicting that there is more to collaboration than you might think. An iceberg is shown where the tip of the iceberg has values such as production, goals and knowledge, where underneath the iceberg there are values such as code of conduct, building diverse teams, inclusive workspaces, treating eachother kindly and open contributions.

The SATRE (Standardised Architecture for Trusted Research Environments) is an open, community-lead approach to define a Standardised Architecture for Trusted Research Environments (SATRE). As a DARE UK Driver Project, SATRE is working towards creating a unified approach to access secure data in Trusted Research Environments (TREs).

Collaboration Cafés: Bringing Together Ideas and People

Collaboration Cafés are an integral part of the SATRE Project. They serve as online collaboration and coworking calls, inviting anyone interested in learning about, discussing, and contributing to the project. These Collaboration Cafés provide a platform where individuals from different backgrounds can share their knowledge, ideas, and insights on various aspects of TREs that can contribute to the SATRE Specification.


The format of a Collaboration Café is designed to be interactive and dynamic. The agenda usually includes introductions and breakout room suggestions, followed by focused breakout sessions interspersed with short breaks. Attendees often reflect on the session and provide feedback at the end of the call.

An example agenda for the Collaboration Cafés might look like:

An example agenda for SATRE Collaboration Cafes. 10 minutes introduction and icebreakers, 1st 20 minute breakout session, 5 minute break, 2nd 20 minute breakeout session, 5 minutes reflections and close
A sample agenda for SATRE Collaboration Cafes

The resources used during these calls include shared notes (Google Docs or HackMd and Zoom breakout rooms to facilitate focused co-working spaces. Focused breakout room sessions are coordinated using a shared HackMD, where participants can propose what they would like to work on during the Collaboration Café so that other participants may join them.


Each Collaboration Café often revolves around a specific theme. For instance, on the 6th June 2023 session, the theme was “Information Governance in Trusted Research Environments.” If you have experience or interest in the session theme, you’re highly encouraged to join and contribute to the breakout room discussions.

You can see the schedule for Collaboration Cafés here.

Getting Involved

A in image of a vibrant community helping each other. The image shows a community garden where everyone is helping each other to grow their produce and sharing tools.

Participating in the SATRE Collaboration Café is as simple as clicking a link. The cafes are hosted on Zoom, making them easily accessible. For those new to the digital coworking space, there are helpful guides and resources available.

You can register your interest for Collaboration Cafés here. You can further engage with the SATRE Project through various channels, such as the project’s Medium blog, mailing list, the SATRE Specification GitHub Repository and via email.

The SATRE Project and its Collaboration Cafés offer a unique opportunity to participate in shaping the future of data access in research environments. Whether you’re a researcher, data scientist, developer, or someone interested in the field, your insights and contributions can make a difference. Join the SATRE Collaboration Café and be a part of this innovative initiative.

We value inclusivity and welcome both new and existing members to the SATRE community. Whether you wish to add new material, finalize a contribution, or learn new skills, SATRE Collaboration Cafés provide a supportive environment for all. The SATRE core team is always on hand to help you brainstorm your first contribution and answer any questions about how to incorporate your work. We are currently exploring different options and methods for contribution, to ensure anyone who wants to contribute can, and would love to discuss with you the best ways to implement these.

Finally, it’s important to note that the SATRE Project operates under a clear Code of Conduct, ensuring a respectful, inclusive, and collaborative environment for all participants.

