Your money is shrinking — here’s why:

Jon Lister
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2020
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You work hard for your money.

You earn an income, pay taxes, manage expenses, pay down debt, and build up a savings.

There’s a problem though.

The money you save is losing value.

Whenever the economy slows down or grinds to a halt — governments and central banks respond by increasing the supply of money.

This causes inflation.

It’s the reason why prices go up over time.

Since your savings don’t grow faster than inflation — your money is shrinking.

How do you stop this?

Wealthy people get around this by owning assets and equities — this includes real estate, land, stocks, private shares, and other investments like oil or gold.

The value of these assets go up with inflation so their money doesn’t shrink.

Buying and owning these assets can be expensive.

Real estate and land require a large down payment. You also have to pay property taxes, maintenance costs, mortgage and interest payments.

Owning stocks can also be risky— companies can easily fail. And owning a basket of stocks in a fund or ETF can come with high annual fees.

Other investments like oil and gold can be expensive to store, transport, and sell when you want to convert back to cash.

There is something better.

To fight this problem a smart group of computer scientists and cryptographers started developing solutions.

In 2009 they created a new digital currency with a fixed supply.

This currency was decentralized — meaning it could not be controlled by any individual, government, or central bank.

It was called Bitcoin.

The supply was capped at 21 million bitcoin, but each one could be split into smaller units called Sats.

Because it’s digital — it’s very easy and efficient to store and use.

More than 50 million people now own Bitcoin and the number is growing daily at an increasing rate.

Today there are more than 19,000 Bitcoin ATMs around the world, and almost every country has several exchanges that allow you to buy and sell Bitcoin in any major currency 24/7.

The current crisis with COVID has resulted in record breaking increases in the money supply and many people believe this will lead Bitcoin to skyrocket in value and surpass it’s all time high of $20k USD.

If Bitcoin were to eventually replace gold as a store of value, with a market cap of close to $10 Trillion USD, each Bitcoin could reach a price of $476,000 USD per coin. The price of Bitcoin today is less than $10,000 USD and you can start by investing as little as $100.

Where can I buy or invest? shows you all the best places to invest in Bitcoin, learn more about it, and even earn it!

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Further Reading:
Don’t buy Bitcoin, Buy Sats
Top 10 Bitcoin Misconceptions
Demystifying the Bitcoin Halving

