Choosing Threat Hunting Services that Help Your business Stay Safe

Cyber Security Solutions
5 min readJul 14, 2022
Choosing Threat Hunting Services that Help Your business Stay Safe

Unless you have been living under a rock for a few years now, you spend most of your time on the internet. But that doesn’t mean you should let this time be used in a way that could put your safety at risk. The Internet can be an extremely dangerous place, and it’s easy to find reasons to fear online. There are many dangers out there that predators and hackers are eager to exploit. You and your business are constantly at risk of being attacked, whether you know it or not.

Fortunately, there are also ways to stay safe online without giving up your freedom or putting yourself and your business at risk. Protecting yourself against cybercrime is no easy feat, but thankfully, there are companies out there that specialize in this exact task. These services can protect you from both cybercriminals and other threats online. The best threat hunting services will go beyond just monitoring for web-based threats; they will also work to keep you safe while online by concealing your computer activity so it cannot be traced back to you (and vice versa).

What is Threat Hunting?

Threat hunting or cyber-threat hunting is crucial in taking steps to protect businesses and organizations from cyber-attacks. Threat hunting refers to the in-depth analysis and troubleshooting of known issues in an organization’s network. Cyber threat hunting involves an in-depth search of networks and endpoints of an organization to find suspicious or harmful activities that have gone undetected. It can be conducted by a team of employees, or through the use of contractors. It is an important practice that helps organizations manage risks posed by hackers and other cybercriminals.

For more information read: What is Cyber Threat Hunting?

To protect your business from cyber threats, you need access to professional threat hunting services. These services provide you with timely information about potential threats via reports and alerts. This information helps you protect your business before it becomes a victim of a cyber-attack. Through the threat hunting process, you can analyse large amounts of data and detect anomalies that might indicate a cyber attack in progress or one about to happen in the near future. The best part about using threat-hunting solutions is that they are cost-effective compared with other security solutions such as SIEM (Security Information and Event Management).

Choosing a good Managed threat hunting service

Cyber security is a continuous battle. threat hunting is actively searching for signs of malicious activity in your environment. There are a few factors you’ll want to examine first when choosing a managed threat hunting provider. First, determine if the service is capable of providing you with the right level of threat intelligence. This is especially important if you’re a smaller business or if you’re doing most of your threat hunting in-house. If the service isn’t doing a good job of collecting all the necessary data, then it might be hard for you to know exactly what is happening on your network. You’ll also want to make sure the service is willing to share that data with you.

What Types of Threats Can Be Monitored?

There are many threats out there, and it can be hard to know which threats to watch for. The best threat hunters will be able to help you identify the most common threats. However, you should also be able to choose threat-hunting solutions that assist you in monitoring for new threats as they’re discovered. Here are some of the most common threats you’ll want to look out for:

Hackers and cybercriminals

These individuals are the ones who typically initiate attacks online. They might attempt to steal sensitive information such as your financial records, passwords, or credit card numbers. They might also try to sneak malware, ransomware, or other malicious programs onto your computer. If you spot any unusual activity on your computers, such as sudden increases in resource demand, a long download, or an unusual number of errors, it’s a good idea to contact your threat hunting service provider.

Malware infections

Malware is typically spread through computer networks. It might attempt to steal your personal information while masquerading as benign files. A good threat hunting solution can help you identify and remove these types of threats.

Botnet infections

These are when malicious actors use your computer as a web crawler, sending personal information and other data to servers that the bot has been installed on. These types of threats are more common among organized criminal groups. If your organization is dealing with organized crime, it’s more likely than not that you’ll want to use a threat-hunting solution to help protect your data.

The Benefits of Threat Hunting Service

Here are a few big benefits of having good threat-hunting solutions:

Improved Security

You can rest a lot easier knowing that a threat hunting service is monitoring your computer network for you. This is probably the biggest benefit of all. It’s much easier to stay secure when you don’t have to worry about it being discovered by accident. Data Retention: It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to data, so it’s always a good idea to keep threats and malware away from your computer systems as much as possible. Threat hunting services can help you with this by scanning your network for signs of activity that may indicate a threat is present.

More Time to Process Information

If you know that a threat is detected and there’s a chance that it may have violated your computer settings, you can take that threat’s location, timestamp, and other data and add it to a software list that will be sent to a file or text file that is stored on the server. This allows you to evaluate the risk and take any necessary action quickly.

Improved Network Control

Using a threat hunting service, you can assign different levels of priority to different types of events or threats. If you know that a certain threat type is more of a high-risk event, you can also set up a rule-based system where you will only be notified if a threat is detected that has a level of risk greater than normal.


Sattrix’s Managed threat hunting helps you identify threats that have already infiltrated the defenses and established a hostile presence in your organization’s network. Our advanced tools for cyber threat hunting integrate network, end-point, application, and user behavior threat analytics to detect aberrant patterns/behavior and provide you with the utmost safety.



Cyber Security Solutions

Sattrix — renowned name among cybersecurity services providers worldwide. We offer MSS, professional services, threat hunting & more.