DAO Saturn Black. Broadcast with the project team

Dmitriy Zykov
Published in
16 min readSep 11, 2020

We present you a text translation of the broadcast with the Saturn Black team from September 9. We announced the relaunch of the DAO Saturn Black and talked about the current stage of development of our project. You can watch the broadcast in Russian on our Youtube channel.

Dear friends, Hello everyone!
If someone doesn’t know me yet, my name is Dmitry Zykov, I am the co-founder of the Saturn Black project and at the same time I am currently the developer of the entire range of products, that we are announcing on Saturn Black and today Alexander will be with me, Alexander is engaged in marketing in our team.

Well, Hello again to all, who have just joined, today the topic of our broadcast is the announcement of the DAO, which we announced last night, you may have already read the announcement on our website, we have already sent it out through all telegram channels and you had the opportunity to read it in both Russian and English.

All the basic information that is presented in the article is a full description of the DAO, of course, we will now tell more and more about all the nuances of how our co-organization of the DAO will be arranged.

We invite all of you to take part in joint project management. for those who already own XSAT, we have a basic offer for entering the DAO Council, and we will launch the DAO in several stages. At the moment, we are pre-Launching and pre-selling DAO packages, so in order not to waste time, we will focus on the most important thing and I’ll give you a little tour of our DAO.

Read about what the DAO is…

Here on our site — the article I mentioned, this announcement was released last night, we in the most detailed way, as described in this article — has not yet been told or shown about the device of the DAO, so we advise you to read this article, it has links to explanatory articles that we previously published at the beginning of the week and at the end of last week, I hope, that you have already read them and we will have a conversation in the same language.
So, first of all, let me remind you what the DAO is.

DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, deployed on the basis of the blockchain, and in our case, it is the blockchain of the Ethereum network.
We issue management tokens, divide them among partners in the agreed shares and in the future we manage the project, jointly make decisions on certain actions in the project, the token is a share, a total of 114 tokens will be issued and all of them will be distributed among our current partners and in addition, we invite all members of our community, both Russian-speaking and international, to participate.

As stated in the article, we are deploying a DAO management system on the Aragon platform — this is an add-on in the Ethereum network, that allows for blockchain voting, allows you to use joint wallets with multi-signature, so that there is no single asset management, in our case, these are XSAT tokens.

The DAO token is a secured token with 549 million XSAT embedded in its security, which is slightly more than half of the total issue. The previous year and a half, tokens were distributed both through the exchange and through partnerships, and now the moment has come when we want to create a clear coordinate system for partners, and therefore we invite everyone who has been with us for these one and a half years to joint management, and in November it will be 2 years.

To read about the issue and distribution of XSAT…

The meaning of joint management of the DAO is to make the right strategic decisions in the development of the project with the subsequent receipt of profit and sharing it among all co-participants of the community.

The latest update, which we released on the site, describes in detail about the pre-sale itself, tells about the profit distribution system, what profit directions we see in the DAO system, tells about the volume of blocked XSAT tokens, which are the security of DAO tokens, and tells the order of periodic unfreezing of these tokens, that is, every certain period of time, tokens will be unfreezed and placed at the disposal of the DAO Council. The Council, in turn, makes joint decisions on the use of tokens and in the future, DAO participants receive profit from these operations.

In addition, we are currently launching staking, we have been experimenting with token staking for about six months, and we have already developed a model, that will be used for XSAT staking in the future.

Today we are recalculating the staking reward in the bot. In the future, the existing staking model will be completely replaced with a new one. We will write about this separately and there will be a separate broadcast on the announcement of another of our products.

But let’s first of all talk about the DAO and the next direction in which we see the possibility of making a profit is the launch of our own exchange, or to be more precise — not an exchange, but a direct atomic exchange Protocol Swap, since this exchange Protocol allows you to exchange cryptocurrencies directly from your wallets.

For example, if you have an Ethereum wallet containing XSAT tokens, you can exchange for other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and stablecoins, such as USDT, which is currently actively used on exchanges and is always equal to 1 to 1 to the dollar, therefore, we have already prepared this interface to a large extent.

At the moment, the atomic exchange platform is already deployed in the personal account, the account itself is not ready yet, we expect to meet the deadline by October, that is, by the 2nd stage of the launch of the DAO, we plan to launch a full-fledged account for clients on our site. It will be on a separate subdomain and will be fully synchronized with the account in the telegram bot Way to Saturn and will be a single management system in the system of Saturn’s satellites.

Thus, after the launch of the atomic exchange Protocol, we will get the liquidity of the Saturn token, as well as new tokens will be added to trading and the profit that will be generated inside this platform will be distributed among the holders of the DAO. In the future, talking about the device of the DAO, we will deal more specifically with these issues.

Well, to explain more clearly how the DAO works and how the Saturn satellite system works, which has the potential to generate profit, we have prepared a scheme in addition, the day before yesterday we published a report on the distribution of Saturn tokens among the community. In the context of time, we talk about how tokens were distributed in the community, how much is in the hands of the community, how much tokens are in the hands of the team, how much tokens are in the hands of our strategic partners and co-founders, so based on this data, you can find out about the current distribution of tokens, a separate article is published in our blog, both in English and Russian. For each item, we have a record in the blockchain and a link to this record. In other words, all information is public, transparent, and the issue is quite clear.

And in continuation of the topic I would now like to ask Alexander to connect and comment on the topic.

Alexander prepared this scheme, we worked on it for about 2 weeks, in parallel we described all the processes, taking place inside our DAO, and in General, I think it is a fairly clear scheme, that can bring us closer to understanding how the DAO works and where we plan to see profit in the future of the entire Saturn Satellites System platform, please, Alexander, you have the word, continue.

Thank you very much, dear friends, this diagram clearly reflects all the blocks, that work in the Architecture of Saturn’s Satellites System, the core of which is our software product, around which the entire architecture is built.

This is XBOT, which works in a interactive Telegram interface and is essentially a universal interface, that is an office, XOffice we called it, and it can be used by absolutely any project on the market, both a DAO project and a non-DAO project, that is, we are talking here about the fact, that we have developed a unique, unified interface in the form of a 3SA software product, based on Telegram, with the integration of any site, CRM, ERP and any possible solution.

Accordingly, we take XSAT as the base, and on our atomic XSwap Protocol, you can directly exchange XSAT for virtually any asset. Therefore, the base ring that we see here — is a bundle of XSAT with any tokens.

You can exchange XSAT for XDAO and store them on Your XWallet.
But in addition to the sale and exchange function, you have the opportunity to save your XSAT in the XVault storage — and this marks a new model of staking, farming, which we will definitely talk about in more detail on the next airs.

And now we will touch on the basic understanding, that by preserving XSAT, thus ensuring XSAT liquidity in the markets, we generate and farm XRING — a yield token, that allows you to receive a part of the profitability of the entire company.

That is, the profitability of the entire company will be distributed in certain shares to the participants of the DAO-co-founders of the company and also to all XSAT holders, who farm and stake XRING.

Thus, we give a net return in the Ethereum tokens, which will be credited directly to the XWallet to all active members of our community.

But this is not the only nice feature of our system. XRING is also a unique voting token in the rating voting system.

What does it mean? This means, that with XSAT and stable XRING, you can leave the resulting asset for net profit, or invest in the rating voting system in projects that you like. These are, as I said, both DAO projects and non-DAO projects, these are all those projects, that will apply for the implementation of the stages of collecting investment funds for their own steps, on our platform.
Thus, we get a system in which projects can get both an infrastructure software solution on our platform, and place the project on a rating vote and raise the necessary funds, and get the support of the expert community, as well as, thanks to our platform, get a control panel for full communication with their entire community in Telegram.

Well, dear friends, in short, this is a description of the system, that we are creating right now in the form of a specific software product and we hope, that the market will appreciate it, new projects will join and the first projects, that we have already appeared — we see a very positive response and we will be glad to your expert comments, reviews, we are now engaged in forming an expert community of ambassadors, who will test our platform and tell the world community that the 3SA system really allows us to implement the stated functions efficiently.

We believe, that this is very important in the current market, because we are all for transparency, openness and functionality. We would like the entire expert community to support us, and if there are any shortcomings or points that can be improved, we are open to communication and are ready to refine the product and make it even better.

Basic, I have everything, Dmitry, you have the word.

Alexander, thank you!
Friends, this is the story of Alexander, for my part, I will add something to this story, now let’s go back to the scheme that Alexander told us about, and I will also add something new, but in General, Alexander said everything correctly.

In our 3SA system, there are three tokens — these are the Saturn satellites, this is the XSAT token, this is the main liquidity token, since 2018 it is distributed among the community, now we release token XDAO, it will be managing the token in the circle of the Council of the DAO and is still the third token is the XRING — a yield token & voting token, and, in addition, it will be used in some software programming solutions, in which we plan to include it as a verification token, a kind of ID, that allows you to use the products of our partners, but this is a separate topic of conversation, yet let’s look at this, that would be 3 token.

The main volume of the XSAT — it is frozen in the DAO and within 9 years distributed to Council DAO and gradually used in the market or for freezing for the purpose of production XRING, it is “growing” or “birth” in the Smart contract will freeze the amount of XSAT and daily XRING generates a token, this token, as we have said, will be used to vote for the projects on our platform.

About 1.5 years, we have gained projects, many of them now available on our website you can see our “orbit of Saturn” and to see the projects. Not all projects will participate in the rating vote, some projects are our infrastructure partners, some are investment partners, and in General, now, after switching to the DAO model, it will become more clear for all partners who they are in this project, so the DAO is a kind of new coordinate system for interaction primarily among close partners with whom we have been working for several years.

Naturally, we are interested in going further in the same boat with the most reliable partners, so we first of all invite all our kind, well — known partners who have volumes on hand to participate-join us, leave a request for the purchase of XDAO, let’s call and negotiate.

Throughout September, we will distribute 4.11% of the DAO share, in October we participate in the DAO DeFi Summit, we were invited by partners — DAO Consensus, we already talked about this last broadcast, and our main marketing events are scheduled for October.

From October 6 to 9, the DAO Summit will take place, this is an online event, you don’t need to go anywhere, all links and announcements will appear in our channels very soon. Our Telegram channel…

In September, you can participate in the pre-sale of XDAO, trade XSAT while it is on Waves exchange, today we are preparing an update on this topic — what do we have with exchanges, what are our plans for trading, why are such volumes small and how to sell XSAT?

Very soon we will see an increase in the token’s liquidity and see the start of trading, so now the opportunity to trade XSAT is already there, the necessary volume for buying DAO on the exchange can be found if the volume is not enough — we will monitor this and help with this, because the 49 million XSAT included in the DAO package will not be frozen, but just to ensure liquidity at the launch stage of the DAO, they will be provided to the market.
But at the same time, keep in mind that we are not interested in putting pressure on the price, because the price is already quite low, and given the fact that a large volume of Saturn will be frozen inside the DAO — once, and inside the XRING staking — this is two. Therefore, we think that the liquidity will be good.

And during September, we remain on Waves Exchange, because it fully meets the needs — it allows you to enter funds to your account using a Bank card, it allows you to top up your account with cryptocurrencies — Bitcoin, Ethereum and much more-come and see.

Exchanges. Buy and sell XSAT token…

Moreover, this allows us to reduce trading commissions, because now in the Ethereum network we are seeing a strong hype around trading, decentralized exchanges are literally shooting volumes and commissions in this regard have grown very significantly.

Therefore, until the launch of the Ethereum 2.0 network, already in the main Ethereum network, we would like to use the features of Waves Exchange.
Personally, I really like the exchange, it is one of the oldest communities in the field of cryptocurrencies, who does not know — read about the Waves cryptocurrency, these are Russian developers and we express our gratitude to them for such a great product.

You can trade on Waves either via the web interface, on the waves.exchange website, or via mobile, using the app for both iOS and Android. So download, register, please note that the exchange is not linked to email and I warn you about the need to save your private key, because the private key is a guarantee of your access to your personal account.

In October, immediately after the DAO Summit, we are planning further additions to the exchanges.

At the end of August, we announced a listing on UNICS and after 3 weeks, I want to say that there is very low activity on registrations on the exchange. Everyone who we promised a bonus for registration — they will certainly get it, but given the number of registrations that we see, it is not advisable to add Saturn there yet.

Again, due to the fact that liquidity is still low on Waves and the fact that we will add on UNICS, nothing may change. So now we are trying to increase the value of our product through a new unique model of interaction with the community, through the launch of DAO, through the launch of XRING.

In addition, as I said, we are currently testing the XSwap decentralized atomic exchange Protocol. It is already deployed in the network, it is already inside your personal account.

As we promised, you will need to log in to your personal account using Telegram. this will be a single account with your account in the Way to Saturn bot. And, accordingly, you will be able to fully use the funds that are stored in your bot — in your personal account on the saturn.black

Pre-launch in the bot has already been implemented, pre-Launch on the web version is planned for the beginning of October, that is, by the DAO DeFi Summit organized by DAO Consensus, we will present a full-fledged working version of the personal account, already tested, first of all in the circle of DAO and our development partners and everyone who is already registered in the bot.

Therefore, we will post all announcements in a timely manner, connect, use, test, ask questions, come to waves.exchange for XSAT tokens, and if you already have XSAT tokens and, for some reason, you are not interested in participating in the development of the Saturn DAO, if you just want to fix profits, or maybe losses, then we also invite you to waves.exchange, we will not prevent anyone from selling tokens, especially since this is a decentralized exchange and we can not influence your assets in any way, so we invite buyers and sellers to Waves for further distribution of tokens in our community.

We, on the other hand, involved in the payment of the DAO of funds 51% direct selling liquidity XSAT, as we call it — reverse liquidity, then there will be provided a ransom from the owners of XSAT volumes at the exchange price, so come in, explore, ask questions in our chat, we have both Russian and English-language chat, join us there because there are active discussions, most old our community is Asia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, and to a lesser extent, Japan, Korea, and in the Russian-speaking community, a large proportion of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, join, don’t hesitate to ask questions, we try to promptly respond to them and respond. If there are any difficulties-write to us in the bot and we will solve them as quickly as possible.

Telegram chat…

So, friends, I suggest that we stop here, today or tomorrow we will publish new announcements, so read our channels, be sure to read our latest articles and be sure to ask questions if you do not understand something. Alexander, do you have a last word?

Yes, Dmitry, thank you, it was a very rich presentation. First of all, I congratulate you, the entire team and the entire Saturn community on this momentous event — the release of DAO, I’m sure everything will we fine, because the product is really advanced and demanded in the market, and I encourage all our community and all our viewers to participate actively in the discussions, I would like to note, that we have in the bot coming soon section, where you can leave the purchase requisition XDAO and we want to make the referral program for the sale of XDAO to make it interesting not only to participate but also to invite your partners, colleagues, friends also to participate in the purchase of a stake in DAO Saturn.black
I suggest that we finish this, thank you to everyone who was with us today, and we will be preparing the next interesting release on XRING, see you on the next airs, stay with us and follow the announcements.
Have a nice day, stay in touch!

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